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Looking for a new - lightweight - webmail provider

Discussion in 'Email Issues' started by Lighthouse Boy, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. Lighthouse Boy

    Lighthouse Boy

    Dec 7, 2023
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Now that Google are scrapping their basic HTML version of their webmail, I'm looking for a new webmail provider.

    Looking for recommendations, but, please read my requiremments.

    Firstly, the big things.

    1. I do not have, or want, a mobile phone, so any webmail that requires a phone number is useless to me.

    2. I'm after something LIGHTWEIGHT. I only have 2GB RAM on here. The more lightweight, the better.

    ....and the rest....

    3. I want something BASIC. Send & recieve emails, add small attchments, and.....err.....that's it. Nothing else. No nags.

    - It needs to work with my ad-blocker (Adblock Plus for Firefox).

    - I don't need to know what the weather is doing, or what some celeb is up to - too much noise. I just want a basic email and nothing else.

    _ I don't need extra features, I don't need separate boxes (other than a spam filter) to sort emails into.

    4. The less scripting the better. I have Noscript on my Firefox, I can block scripts, but, don't want to allow several 3rd party stuff for the email to work.

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