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Vista or XP?

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by mh64, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. Terry R.

    Terry R. Guest

    The date and time was 2/5/2008 10:18 PM, and on a whim, MICHAEL pounded
    out on the keyboard:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro--><!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> Curious. How do you feel it's "superior" in running mainstream apps, which is what most
    >> users use on a daily basis?<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > Vista is superior in memory management and managing overall
    > system resources. That's led to a more stable operating system.
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    "More stable" indeed is relative. I rarely run across workstations
    running XP that aren't stable. It seems now the only ones that aren't
    are those that have malware infection.
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > For me, that's meant fewer program lockups and rarely a blue screen.
    > The blue screens I experienced were early on. I've been using Vista
    > regularly since June 2006, and as my primary since Dec. 2006.
    > I feel like I've been using Vista forever now. XP looks dated to me.
    > I have Vista installed on two desktops and one laptop, and those
    > machines work great. None of them are brand new either. They
    > originally had XP Pro installed.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Sure XP looks dated in comparison. But then again, looks don't make it
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Look, I wasn't overly thrilled with Vista in the beginning. I really
    > expected more. Not quite sure what I expected, but I certainly
    > didn't feel the "wow". I don't like WGA and how horribly it works
    > at times for a lot of users, and anyone who defends that implementation
    > are fools and shills. I'm still amazed there are those who continue to make
    > excuses for WGA and how badly Microsoft has messed up with using it.
    > Those morons disgust me.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Couldn't agree more.
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > WGA aside, Vista is still a better operating system than XP.
    > Microsoft didn't force anyone to upgrade their existing computers.
    > And if those XP computers work fine, then don't upgrade if you
    > don't want to. New computers can even be purchased with XP
    > if you know where to look.. it's not hard finding them. Especially,
    > if you buy online. XP isn't going away anytime soon and Microsoft
    > will be supporting it for several more years. I don't see what the big
    > deal is. But, as time goes on, newer hardware may not have XP
    > drivers, that's why I suggest for users buying a newer computer to
    > go ahead and make the transition to Vista. Even more so with
    > SP1 being released to manufacturers. Vista has improved since it
    > was first released and so has the software/hardware made for it.
    > -Michael
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    I still don't have any clients that are planning to move to Vista. XP
    continues to be the OS on new machines. For most businesses, there
    isn't any advantage to Vista over XP. As you stated, when the time
    comes that new machines don't offer XP drivers, that may change. But I
    feel that most will skip Vista and wait until W7 arrives next year.

    Thanks for your input.

    Terry R.

    ***Reply Note***
    Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
    Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.
  2. On Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:24:47 -0800, Frank <fb@samm.zrr> wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    >Alias wrote:
    >This ng is not for sale!

    No, but I guess your brain was
  3. Frank

    Frank Guest

    thetruthhurts @homail.com wrote:

    ....what's wrong bozo...? Can't get that one little install of Vista to
    run properly?
    Try getting your mommy to help you...out of your high-chair...hahaha...LOL!
    You're stupid!
  4. Alias

    Alias Guest

    Frank wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Alias wrote:
    > SPAMMER!!!
    > This ng is not for sale!
    > Frank<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    I never said it was.


  5. Frank

    Frank Guest

  6. Alias

    Alias Guest

    Frank wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Alias wrote:
    > <!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> Frank wrote:
    >><!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> Alias wrote:
    >>> SPAMMER!!!
    >>> This ng is not for sale!
    >>> Frank<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    >> I never said it was.
    >> Alias
    > hehehe...what's wrong mr liar, mr troll, mr spammer, mr bigot...got your
    > panties all in a bunch...LOL!<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Not at all. You're the one who posts profanity, insults, lies and
    bluster, not me.
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > What a fukkin loser you are!
    > Frank<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    What did I lose, pray tell?

  7. Frank

    Frank Guest

    Alias wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Frank wrote:
    > <!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> Alias wrote:
    >><!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> Frank wrote:
    >>>> Alias wrote:
    >>>> SPAMMER!!!
    >>>> This ng is not for sale!
    >>>> Frank
    >>> I never said it was.
    >>> Alias
    >> hehehe...what's wrong mr liar, mr troll, mr spammer, mr bigot...got
    >> your panties all in a bunch...LOL!<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > Not at all. You're the one who posts profanity, insults, lies and
    > bluster, not me.
    > <!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> What a fukkin loser you are!
    >> Frank<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > What did I lose, pray tell?
    > Alias<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  8. mh64

    mh64 Guest

    I really have no feeling towards it one way or the other, but I will probably
    end up with Vista on the new PC we buy just because that's what it comes with
    it and I'm not savvy enough to try and run 2 OS at the same time... All I
    really need to know is whether I'm going to have problems re-installing
    periperals, games or software that are more than 5 years old (or 10 years
    old). I guess I will need to research each individual item to check for
    compatibility issues, huh?

    "MIC" wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > i like vista, but it does have its problems, thats why these forums
    > exist. i was happy with XP SP2, it was very stable and did not have
    > many issues with most hardware/software. however i felt the need to
    > learn about vista and the only way to do that is to live with it. if a
    > problem arises i don't mind spending time resolving it, but this can
    > drive some people insane when all they want to do is use the computer
    > for whatever. vista is good to look at and very intelligent when
    > plugging in periferal devices, but is very resource hungry and needs
    > tweaking to perform better. so in conclusion it much depends on your
    > temperament and whether you want to learn vista. decide between want
    > and need.
    > --
    > MIC
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > MIC's Profile:
    > View this thread:


    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  9. Your ASSUMPTIONS about the ability and needs of the OP are typical for
    This suits your blind agenda.
    Non technical users succeed with Windows Vista regularly just as they
    have with previous versions of Windows.
    Do not confuse non technical with an inability to learn or adapt.
    The fact you feel you must be a "technical user" may describe your
    own inabilities while saying little about others.
    Many people of various skills from very little to a great deal have
    success where you regularly claim failure.
    That also says much about you.

    "all over Vista for compatibility problems"
    And what have the specific product manufacturers said to you when you
    asked them what they are doing about their products compatibility

    Windows Vista performs well on two older computers of mine, a laptop
    and a desktop.
    A FACT you can NOT disprove.

    Jupiter Jones [MVP]

    <thetruthhurts @homail.com> wrote in message
    news:k7fjq31909npkk466adq662ml4jqb6oslf@4ax.com...<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Come on now........the press is all over Vista for compability
    > problems. La de de da, you a MVP, got this M$ POS to work. I am
    > assuming you would deem yourself a technical user. THE OP ISN'T <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  10. mh64

    mh64 Guest

  11. Alias

    Alias Guest

    mh64 wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Well, I have researched and found out my scanner and my digital camera will
    > not support Vista. (both are probably 5+ years old but working just fine for
    > what i need) So I seriously have to get new periperals if want to use
    > vista???<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Bingo. The Vista boys and the hardware boys want you to open your
    wallet. A lot.

    Alias<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > "Jupiter Jones [MVP]" wrote:
    > <!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> Yes, you must research compatibility of your essential hardware and
    >> software.
    >> Most will probably work, maybe all, but research is essential.
    >> --
    >> Jupiter Jones [MVP]
    >> "mh64" <mh64@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >> news:1019B5B1-A857-4FBF-97EC-69FA53A03264@microsoft.com...<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> I really have no feeling towards it one way or the other, but I will
    >>> probably
    >>> end up with Vista on the new PC we buy just because that's what it
    >>> comes with
    >>> it and I'm not savvy enough to try and run 2 OS at the same time...
    >>> All I
    >>> really need to know is whether I'm going to have problems
    >>> re-installing
    >>> periperals, games or software that are more than 5 years old (or 10
    >>> years
    >>> old). I guess I will need to research each individual item to check
    >>> for
    >>> compatibility issues, huh? <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  12. Bob

    Bob Guest

    What do you need Vista to do for your camera? If it's a question of
    uploading photos use the camera's memory card.

    "mh64" <mh64@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    news:81AD20D7-186F-493E-A69F-C750136A65D9@microsoft.com...<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Well, I have researched and found out my scanner and my digital camera
    > will
    > not support Vista. (both are probably 5+ years old but working just fine
    > for
    > what i need) So I seriously have to get new periperals if want to use
    > vista???
    > "Jupiter Jones [MVP]" wrote:
    ><!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> Yes, you must research compatibility of your essential hardware and
    >> software.
    >> Most will probably work, maybe all, but research is essential.
    >> --
    >> Jupiter Jones [MVP]
    >> "mh64" <mh64@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >> news:1019B5B1-A857-4FBF-97EC-69FA53A03264@microsoft.com...<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >> >I really have no feeling towards it one way or the other, but I will
    >> >probably
    >> > end up with Vista on the new PC we buy just because that's what it
    >> > comes with
    >> > it and I'm not savvy enough to try and run 2 OS at the same time...
    >> > All I
    >> > really need to know is whether I'm going to have problems
    >> > re-installing
    >> > periperals, games or software that are more than 5 years old (or 10
    >> > years
    >> > old). I guess I will need to research each individual item to check
    >> > for
    >> > compatibility issues, huh?<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    >> <!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  13. alexB

    alexB Guest

    A combo: printer + scanner + fax + color photo printer (Dell 968) costs
    99.99, brand new at DELL.

    "Alias" <iamalias@removethisgmail.com> wrote in message
    news:unjA7FcaIHA.5768@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > mh64 wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> Well, I have researched and found out my scanner and my digital camera
    >> will not support Vista. (both are probably 5+ years old but working just
    >> fine for what i need) So I seriously have to get new periperals if want
    >> to use vista???<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > Bingo. The Vista boys and the hardware boys want you to open your wallet.
    > A lot.
    > Alias<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> "Jupiter Jones [MVP]" wrote:
    >><!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> Yes, you must research compatibility of your essential hardware and
    >>> software.
    >>> Most will probably work, maybe all, but research is essential.
    >>> --
    >>> Jupiter Jones [MVP]
    >>> "mh64" <mh64@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >>> news:1019B5B1-A857-4FBF-97EC-69FA53A03264@microsoft.com...
    >>>> I really have no feeling towards it one way or the other, but I will
    >>>> probably
    >>>> end up with Vista on the new PC we buy just because that's what it
    >>>> comes with
    >>>> it and I'm not savvy enough to try and run 2 OS at the same time... All
    >>>> I
    >>>> really need to know is whether I'm going to have problems re-installing
    >>>> periperals, games or software that are more than 5 years old (or 10
    >>>> years
    >>>> old). I guess I will need to research each individual item to check
    >>>> for
    >>>> compatibility issues, huh?
    >>> <!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  14. Alias

    Alias Guest

    alexB wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > A combo: printer + scanner + fax + color photo printer (Dell 968) costs
    > 99.99, brand new at DELL.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Your point?

    Alias<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > "Alias" <iamalias@removethisgmail.com> wrote in message
    > news:unjA7FcaIHA.5768@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> mh64 wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> Well, I have researched and found out my scanner and my digital
    >>> camera will not support Vista. (both are probably 5+ years old but
    >>> working just fine for what i need) So I seriously have to get new
    >>> periperals if want to use vista???<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    >> Bingo. The Vista boys and the hardware boys want you to open your
    >> wallet. A lot.
    >> Alias<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> "Jupiter Jones [MVP]" wrote:
    >>>> Yes, you must research compatibility of your essential hardware and
    >>>> software.
    >>>> Most will probably work, maybe all, but research is essential.
    >>>> --
    >>>> Jupiter Jones [MVP]
    >>>> "mh64" <mh64@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >>>> news:1019B5B1-A857-4FBF-97EC-69FA53A03264@microsoft.com...
    >>>>> I really have no feeling towards it one way or the other, but I
    >>>>> will probably
    >>>>> end up with Vista on the new PC we buy just because that's what it
    >>>>> comes with
    >>>>> it and I'm not savvy enough to try and run 2 OS at the same time...
    >>>>> All I
    >>>>> really need to know is whether I'm going to have problems
    >>>>> re-installing
    >>>>> periperals, games or software that are more than 5 years old (or 10
    >>>>> years
    >>>>> old). I guess I will need to research each individual item to
    >>>>> check for
    >>>>> compatibility issues, huh?
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  15. On Thu, 7 Feb 2008 11:36:01 -0800, mh64
    <mh64@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Well, I have researched and found out my scanner and my digital camera will
    > not support Vista. (both are probably 5+ years old but working just fine for
    > what i need) So I seriously have to get new periperals if want to use
    > vista???<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Two points:

    1. In general, older peripherals are often not supported on newer
    operating systems. This is true regardless of what the peripheral is,
    and what operating system you are talking about. If the manufacturer
    of the peripheral is no longer actively selling that particular
    product, he is often reluctant to invest money to write a new driver
    for it. That's a simple economic fact, and again has nothing to do
    with Vista. No vendor ever promises someone buying his peripheral that
    he will write drivers for it for every new operating system that comes
    onto the market.

    2. Regarding your camera, you should not need Vista support for it.
    Worst case, you could buy an inexpensive USB media card reader, and
    use it to transfer your pictures to the Vista computer.

    But your choice. If your scanner isn't supported in Vista, you either
    need to get a new scanner or stay with the operating system you
    presently have.

    Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
    Please Reply to the Newsgroup
  16. NoStop

    NoStop Guest

    Alias wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > alexB wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> A combo: printer + scanner + fax + color photo printer (Dell 968) costs
    >> 99.99, brand new at DELL.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > Your point?
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    His point is that along with a P.O.S. toy operating system, he also likes to
    use P.O.S. hardware.

    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Alias<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> "Alias" <iamalias@removethisgmail.com> wrote in message
    >> news:unjA7FcaIHA.5768@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> mh64 wrote:
    >>>> Well, I have researched and found out my scanner and my digital
    >>>> camera will not support Vista. (both are probably 5+ years old but
    >>>> working just fine for what i need) So I seriously have to get new
    >>>> periperals if want to use vista???
    >>> Bingo. The Vista boys and the hardware boys want you to open your
    >>> wallet. A lot.
    >>> Alias
    >>>> "Jupiter Jones [MVP]" wrote:
    >>>>> Yes, you must research compatibility of your essential hardware and
    >>>>> software.
    >>>>> Most will probably work, maybe all, but research is essential.
    >>>>> --
    >>>>> Jupiter Jones [MVP]
    >>>>> "mh64" <mh64@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >>>>> news:1019B5B1-A857-4FBF-97EC-69FA53A03264@microsoft.com...
    >>>>>> I really have no feeling towards it one way or the other, but I
    >>>>>> will probably
    >>>>>> end up with Vista on the new PC we buy just because that's what it
    >>>>>> comes with
    >>>>>> it and I'm not savvy enough to try and run 2 OS at the same time...
    >>>>>> All I
    >>>>>> really need to know is whether I'm going to have problems
    >>>>>> re-installing
    >>>>>> periperals, games or software that are more than 5 years old (or 10
    >>>>>> years
    >>>>>> old). I guess I will need to research each individual item to
    >>>>>> check for
    >>>>>> compatibility issues, huh?

    Frank's Brain Activity Plotted (watch the red line):

    AlexB: "If it is Business or Ultimate open Command Prompt as administrator
    and type lusrmgr.msc."
    I must say the developers at Microsoft do have a sense of humour.
  17. alexB

    alexB Guest

    My point is that this printer which is a very nice piece of hardware, great
    looking and compact, standing next to my 5 grand new dell T7400 may be
    purchased by someone who wants to have quality printing and digital input.

    My point is that it is affordable and it is quality.

    "Alias" <iamalias@removethisgmail.com> wrote in message
    news:%23OlOidcaIHA.1208@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > alexB wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> A combo: printer + scanner + fax + color photo printer (Dell 968) costs
    >> 99.99, brand new at DELL.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > Your point?
    > Alias<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> "Alias" <iamalias@removethisgmail.com> wrote in message
    >> news:unjA7FcaIHA.5768@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> mh64 wrote:
    >>>> Well, I have researched and found out my scanner and my digital camera
    >>>> will not support Vista. (both are probably 5+ years old but working
    >>>> just fine for what i need) So I seriously have to get new periperals
    >>>> if want to use vista???
    >>> Bingo. The Vista boys and the hardware boys want you to open your
    >>> wallet. A lot.
    >>> Alias
    >>>> "Jupiter Jones [MVP]" wrote:
    >>>>> Yes, you must research compatibility of your essential hardware and
    >>>>> software.
    >>>>> Most will probably work, maybe all, but research is essential.
    >>>>> --
    >>>>> Jupiter Jones [MVP]
    >>>>> "mh64" <mh64@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >>>>> news:1019B5B1-A857-4FBF-97EC-69FA53A03264@microsoft.com...
    >>>>>> I really have no feeling towards it one way or the other, but I will
    >>>>>> probably
    >>>>>> end up with Vista on the new PC we buy just because that's what it
    >>>>>> comes with
    >>>>>> it and I'm not savvy enough to try and run 2 OS at the same time...
    >>>>>> All I
    >>>>>> really need to know is whether I'm going to have problems
    >>>>>> re-installing
    >>>>>> periperals, games or software that are more than 5 years old (or 10
    >>>>>> years
    >>>>>> old). I guess I will need to research each individual item to check
    >>>>>> for
    >>>>>> compatibility issues, huh?
    >> <!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  18. Frank

    Frank Guest

    NoStop wrote:

    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > His point is that along with a P.O.S. toy operating system, he also likes to
    > use P.O.S. hardware.
    > Cheers.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    So he's using that POS toy os urbuttoo huh?
    Well good luck having any hardware work on that crap os!
  19. Alias

    Alias Guest

    NoStop wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Alias wrote:
    > <!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> alexB wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> A combo: printer + scanner + fax + color photo printer (Dell 968) costs
    >>> 99.99, brand new at DELL.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    >> Your point?
    > His point is that along with a P.O.S. toy operating system, he also likes to
    > use P.O.S. hardware.
    > Cheers.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Heh, told that right.

    Alias<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > <!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> Alias<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> "Alias" <iamalias@removethisgmail.com> wrote in message
    >>> news:unjA7FcaIHA.5768@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
    >>>> mh64 wrote:
    >>>>> Well, I have researched and found out my scanner and my digital
    >>>>> camera will not support Vista. (both are probably 5+ years old but
    >>>>> working just fine for what i need) So I seriously have to get new
    >>>>> periperals if want to use vista???
    >>>> Bingo. The Vista boys and the hardware boys want you to open your
    >>>> wallet. A lot.
    >>>> Alias
    >>>>> "Jupiter Jones [MVP]" wrote:
    >>>>>> Yes, you must research compatibility of your essential hardware and
    >>>>>> software.
    >>>>>> Most will probably work, maybe all, but research is essential.
    >>>>>> --
    >>>>>> Jupiter Jones [MVP]
    >>>>>> "mh64" <mh64@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >>>>>> news:1019B5B1-A857-4FBF-97EC-69FA53A03264@microsoft.com...
    >>>>>>> I really have no feeling towards it one way or the other, but I
    >>>>>>> will probably
    >>>>>>> end up with Vista on the new PC we buy just because that's what it
    >>>>>>> comes with
    >>>>>>> it and I'm not savvy enough to try and run 2 OS at the same time...
    >>>>>>> All I
    >>>>>>> really need to know is whether I'm going to have problems
    >>>>>>> re-installing
    >>>>>>> periperals, games or software that are more than 5 years old (or 10
    >>>>>>> years
    >>>>>>> old). I guess I will need to research each individual item to
    >>>>>>> check for
    >>>>>>> compatibility issues, huh?<!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

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