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vista automatic updates

Discussion in 'Windows Update' started by Elaine, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Elaine

    Elaine Guest

    I have sadly got a pc set to receive automatic updates and ever since last
    Friday my excel shortcuts do not work and I cannot open excel files sent as
    email attachments. Up to Friday I have not had any problems but since then I
    can only open excel files by going through the full file path process. If I
    try any shortcut windows cannot find the correct path. Does anyone know a
    solution, or is there a way to undo the updates and get my pc back to its
    pre-16Oct state? Using Vista operating system and Microsoft Office suite.
  2. t-4-2

    t-4-2 Guest

    Have you tried System Restore, choosing one of the " pre-Oct16 " dates as
    your restore point ?

    Also, have you tried to delete the current Excel shortcut and re-create a
    new one ?

    "Elaine" <Elaine@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    news:063C21CA-7CAE-49D2-93A0-C11F3C963494@microsoft.com...<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I have sadly got a pc set to receive automatic updates and ever since last
    > Friday my excel shortcuts do not work and I cannot open excel files sent
    > as
    > email attachments. Up to Friday I have not had any problems but since then
    > I
    > can only open excel files by going through the full file path process. If
    > I
    > try any shortcut windows cannot find the correct path. Does anyone know a
    > solution, or is there a way to undo the updates and get my pc back to its
    > pre-16Oct state? Using Vista operating system and Microsoft Office suite. <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  3. Asked/Answered in an earlier thread of yours.

    Elaine wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I have sadly got a pc set to receive automatic updates and ever since last
    > Friday my excel shortcuts do not work and I cannot open excel files sent
    > as
    > email attachments. Up to Friday I have not had any problems but since then
    > I
    > can only open excel files by going through the full file path process. If
    > I
    > try any shortcut windows cannot find the correct path. Does anyone know a
    > solution, or is there a way to undo the updates and get my pc back to its
    > pre-16Oct state? Using Vista operating system and Microsoft Office suite. <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

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