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uTorrent "disc overloaded" and a wrecked PC.

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by RedAitch, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. RedAitch

    RedAitch Junior Member

    Dec 26, 2008
    Hi, I recently purchased a new Sony Vaio FW-series laptop, running Vista Premium edition. I was using uTorrent overnight one night and in the morning discovered my computer had frozen. The only clue as to what had gone wrong was the error message "disc overloaded" at the bottom of the uTorrent page. Finding that the freezing issue wasn't about to fix itself, I somewhat unwisely pulled the battery out of the unit.
    Upon restarting the computer I discovered that Windows had kicked into Safe Mode. When I tried to re-enable normal Windows, I found that the PC at first froze, and now I cannot disable Safe Mode at all, with the added difficulty that full resolution is now enabled, meaning even in this mode the computer usually crashes about a minute after booting up. I have been able to transfer my music and videos to an external hard drive, but other than that the computer will not accept any new connections, and I cannot access the driver updates as obviously Safe Mode will not allow this. I have tried the various F8 reboot options, deleting uTorrent and various music and video files, all to no avail. System Restore doesn't work either, as my actually files and documents seem unaffected..
    I have read on other forums about the uTorrent issue, but this issue appears to have snowballed on my computer into a big problem. I am not sure if the computer has been attacked (OneCare was enabled at the time) or if this is a complete hardware failure. Just wondering whether my computer is fried, or if there is a chance it can be salvaged...
  2. BSchwarz

    BSchwarz Guest

    Sounds like the hd is dying. You could try a re-install of the OS to be sure.
  3. RedAitch

    RedAitch Junior Member

    Dec 26, 2008
    Thanks for the recommendation. I initially thought it was a hardware failure, but wanted some second opinions. As for reinstalling the OS, I have the problem that Safe Mode won't allow changes to the computer, and as I can't disable it, I'm stuck. Oh well, I live and learn...

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