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Re: Vista and Animated gifs

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by Dave, May 28, 2009.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest


    Windows 7 RC

    "TeenageJunkie" <guest@unknown-email.com> wrote in message
    > I hate to interrupt the increasingly personal arguement going on here
    > but...
    > I am sixteen (Gasp. I know, a teenager on a vista forum...the locusts
    > will be next ¬_¬) and I use my Vista laptop for three things:
    > 1. internet (firefox to be exact)
    > 2. Listening to music as I work.
    > 3. storing photos and videos
    > I have a ridiculous amount of pictures (jpg. png. gifs. you name it)
    > that i transferred onto my vista laptop from my old XP before it died.
    > Some of these are ANIMATED GIFS ...(see where this is going?) that I
    > would like, ney, need to view previews of for college work, personal use
    > and because as 'tacky' as it may look I actually like having a moving
    > destop backround.
    > Many people have said "just use the internet to view moving gifs."
    > which is all fine and dandy for one or two. I have around 100 to view.
    > So my question is...
    > ---Is there a downloadable program similar to the old picture/fax
    > viewer that will let me view gifs in a slideshow like way?
    > ---Is there a way to get the old picture/fax viewer from XP on Vista?
    > Thank you for any response I get (if any). Please return to arguing
    > over petty remarks...or you could...just as a suggestion...answer some
    > of the posed questions.
    > I dont doubt I will get some nasty little remarks back :] Im looking
    > forward to it.
    > --
    > TeenageJunkie

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