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"Programs" folder in "All Programs"

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by churin, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. churin

    churin Guest

    I do not know how this happened but there is a folder called "Programs"
    in "All Programs". The content of the "Programs" folder is a duplicate
    of what are in the "All Programs" except "Programs" folder.
    How can I get rid of this duplicate?
  2. churin

    churin Guest

    I was attempting to correct the problem and now everything but "Windows
    Updates" disappeared from "All Programs".

    churin wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I do not know how this happened but there is a folder called "Programs"
    > in "All Programs". The content of the "Programs" folder is a duplicate
    > of what are in the "All Programs" except "Programs" folder.
    > How can I get rid of this duplicate?<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  3. Rick Rogers

    Rick Rogers Guest

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