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None Stop Messages

Discussion in 'Android Phones & Tablets' started by biferi, Nov 20, 2024.

  1. biferi

    biferi Registered Members

    Mar 4, 2016
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    My sister has a Galaxy A20 SmartPhone and today her Phone was making a Very Loud Noise and she could not even Lower it with the Volume Button.

    All of these Messages were Dropping Down from the Top of the Screen.

    They all say things like.

    Failed Message Sent MP and some say Failed E Maile Sent MP.

    I did keep Swiping them to the Right and I got rid of them.

    As soon as you Re Start my sisters Phone they all start up again.

    I asked my sister if she sent any E Mails now.

    My sister told me she has not sent an E Mail for a long time.

    I asked her this because I thought maybe if the Network is down they will send her Messages as soon as the Network is up and Running.

    Is there anything I can try aside from a Factory Reset?

    What does this sound like?

    Thanks for all the time.
  2. ghostman1


    Dec 1, 2024
    Operating System:
    Windows 10
    What kind of noise and has this phone been Dropped ?Can you get into where the Apps are? If so You can Try to uninstall the Mail Program.. If not you will have to a Factory Reset...
    Tony D likes this.

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