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Need help: SVL 1.X and Windows Collaboration

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by Quazulonda, May 30, 2009.

  1. Quazulonda

    Quazulonda Guest

    Hey everyone,

    This thread has been written to ask for some advice regarding the
    infection of my PC by the worm SVL 1.X .
    So what I've seen, it appeared harmless at first. But the moment I
    tried to de-install Skype, it activated, adding the feature Windows
    Collaboration to Program Files. I tried to remove it, but that was
    impossible, because access was denied. The only group with full
    permission was TrustedInstaller.
    The worm has also opened a backdoor in my firewall.
    I have now turned the feature itself off (Collaboration) , disabled
    most of the services that it depends on (because they were still
    running!) , and blocked most of the inbound connections.
    My question is now: are these measures enough? And is there a way to
    remove Windows Collaboration and all file sharing services altogether?


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