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Msi Motherboard Shuts Down My Mouse And Keyboard

Discussion in 'Hard Drive - HDD' started by OurFreeSociety, Sep 11, 2024.

  1. OurFreeSociety


    Sep 11, 2024
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    So I'm not sure if I should put this in Win 7 or here, but here it is LOL Thanks

    Please don't take offense, but I'm only looking for die hard savvy geeks who don't try to control me and tell me what to use on my own computer.

    I do NOT want to switch to Windows 10 and I have many reasons for this I won't discuss in public, but will say it's ALL about CONTROL. I don't care about the propaganda spread worldwide about "end of life," so there's no need in trying to convince me.

    Due to a previous desktop with an older MB, DDR 3 memory, etc. no longer working due to crashes because I think the computer store broke the MB when they put my hardware together (it had been in pieces when I moved from overseas), I had to buy all new hardware except the HDs & power supply.

    I purchased the MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK AM4 AMD B550 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Motherboard.

    When I took it to another computer guy (different city) he said Win 7 wouldn't work on it. I freaked out at my website coder since he's the one who told me what to buy, & he searched online & found others who ARE using Win 7 with this MB.

    He did say I was going to need a PS2 mouse because the USB mouse wouldn't work until the drivers were installed. I got an PS2 adapter.

    So the mouse did work in BIOS with no issues, and we finally got the BIOS to recognize the thumb drive with Win on it, it installed the first part of Win, but after it restarted, the MB literally SHUT DOWN my keyboard and mouse so I couldn't do anything.

    I was furious.

    Then I said ok, get me over to the new SSD I had working win Win 7 on the other computer, we got to that screen & AGAIN, it stopped me from typing in my password. It shut down my mouse and keyboard.

    Can someone help me to figure this out. I do NOT want Win 10, & this is ridiculous that this MB is stopping me.

    Thanks a ton
  2. plodr

    plodr CHF Advisor CHF Advisers

    May 31, 2017
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
  3. OurFreeSociety


    Sep 11, 2024
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Yes, & I'm going to go update it now.

    They were the only ones who understood what I wrote.

: Windows7, MSIMB

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