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kb969856 Keeps Installing

Discussion in 'Windows Update' started by Sorehead_5, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Sorehead_5

    Sorehead_5 Guest

    My Vista Ultimate 64 SP1 machine has been set by the OS to 'install update
    and shutdown computer' every night for a week. Each night I've done that. A
    check of installed updates shows kb969856 as successfully installed on 6
    nights in a row, but it comes back and asks to do it again. How can I get out
    of the loop?
  2. Sorehead_5

    Sorehead_5 Guest

  3. We are all volunteers here and don't have Crystal Balls. Without any
    further information from you (e.g., errors associated with the failed
    installs), contacting MS for *free support* would be your best bet,
    especially for security updates.

    Support for Windows Update:

    For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary
    for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web

    For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available through
    your usual support contacts.


    How to troubleshoot Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Windows Server
    Update Services installation issues:

    Check your WindowsUpdate.log (%windir%\WindowsUpdate.log) for errors
    associated with the download/install.

    How to read the WindowsUpdate.log file

    Compare errors to those listed here:

    and/or go to
    > click on Help and Support
    link in left pane > Solve problems on your own.

    Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Not the most helpful of suggestions. As customer outside the US and
    > Canada,
    > the best help the links suggest is to post a question in this group!
    > If you do know of a specific link that I've missed, I'd be very pleased to
    > hear about it.
    > Cheers.
    > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> See the "How to obtain help..." section of

    >> --
    >> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    >> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    >> Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> My Vista Ultimate 64 SP1 machine has been set by the OS to 'install
    >>> update
    >>> and shutdown computer' every night for a week. Each night I've done
    >>> that.
    >>> A
    >>> check of installed updates shows kb969856 as successfully installed on 6
    >>> nights in a row, but it comes back and asks to do it again. How can I
    >>> get
    >>> out of the loop? <!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  4. Sorehead_5

    Sorehead_5 Guest

    I appreciate your time.
    There are no error messages, as the installer thinks the updates have
    installed correctly, but Windows update continues to offer it on shutdown, as
    I said in my original posts.
    My point was that the free support is only available in the US and Canada.
    The European support directs me here, unless I've misread it.
    If you feel that the Windows Update group is not the place to discuss
    Windows Update issues, I'd be very grateful for a specific URL where I can
    get some help.
    thanks again.

    "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > We are all volunteers here and don't have Crystal Balls. Without any
    > further information from you (e.g., errors associated with the failed
    > installs), contacting MS for *free support* would be your best bet,
    > especially for security updates.
    > Support for Windows Update:
    > For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary
    > for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web
    > site:

    > For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available through
    > your usual support contacts.
    > Otherwise...
    > How to troubleshoot Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Windows Server
    > Update Services installation issues:

    > Check your WindowsUpdate.log (%windir%WindowsUpdate.log) for errors
    > associated with the download/install.
    > How to read the WindowsUpdate.log file

    > Compare errors to those listed here:

    > and/or go to
    > click on Help and Support
    > link in left pane > Solve problems on your own.
    > Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    > > Not the most helpful of suggestions. As customer outside the US and
    > > Canada,
    > > the best help the links suggest is to post a question in this group!
    > > If you do know of a specific link that I've missed, I'd be very pleased to
    > > hear about it.
    > > Cheers.
    > >
    > > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    > >> See the "How to obtain help..." section of
    > >>

    > >> --
    > >> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    > >> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    > >>
    > >> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    > >>> My Vista Ultimate 64 SP1 machine has been set by the OS to 'install
    > >>> update
    > >>> and shutdown computer' every night for a week. Each night I've done
    > >>> that.
    > >>> A
    > >>> check of installed updates shows kb969856 as successfully installed on 6
    > >>> nights in a row, but it comes back and asks to do it again. How can I
    > >>> get
    > >>> out of the loop? <!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  5. Have you examined WindowsUpdate.log for errors associated with the failed

    In which country do you reside?
    ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002

    Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I appreciate your time.
    > There are no error messages, as the installer thinks the updates have
    > installed correctly, but Windows update continues to offer it on shutdown,
    > as I said in my original posts.
    > My point was that the free support is only available in the US and Canada.
    > The European support directs me here, unless I've misread it.
    > If you feel that the Windows Update group is not the place to discuss
    > Windows Update issues, I'd be very grateful for a specific URL where I can
    > get some help.
    > thanks again.
    > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> We are all volunteers here and don't have Crystal Balls. Without any
    >> further information from you (e.g., errors associated with the failed
    >> installs), contacting MS for *free support* would be your best bet,
    >> especially for security updates.
    >> Support for Windows Update:
    >> For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary
    >> for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web
    >> site:

    >> For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available
    >> through
    >> your usual support contacts.
    >> Otherwise...
    >> How to troubleshoot Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Windows Server
    >> Update Services installation issues:

    >> Check your WindowsUpdate.log (%windir%WindowsUpdate.log) for errors
    >> associated with the download/install.
    >> How to read the WindowsUpdate.log file

    >> Compare errors to those listed here:

    >> and/or go to
    > click on Help and
    >> Support
    >> link in left pane > Solve problems on your own.
    >> Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> Not the most helpful of suggestions. As customer outside the US and
    >>> Canada,
    >>> the best help the links suggest is to post a question in this group!
    >>> If you do know of a specific link that I've missed, I'd be very pleased
    >>> to
    >>> hear about it.
    >>> Cheers.
    >>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    >>>> See the "How to obtain help..." section of

    >>>> --
    >>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    >>>> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    >>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    >>>>> My Vista Ultimate 64 SP1 machine has been set by the OS to 'install
    >>>>> update
    >>>>> and shutdown computer' every night for a week. Each night I've done
    >>>>> that.
    >>>>> A
    >>>>> check of installed updates shows kb969856 as successfully installed on
    >>>>> 6
    >>>>> nights in a row, but it comes back and asks to do it again. How can I
    >>>>> get
    >>>>> out of the loop? <!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  6. Sorehead_5

    Sorehead_5 Guest

    thanks for your reply.
    I checked the log windowsupdate.log, which, whilst not the easiest to read,
    clearly shows a success (a 0X00000 errorcode) for the update.
    As it is I've decided to take Virtual PC off the machine, which has cleared
    the issue - I use VMWare more these days, though a reinstall sometime in the
    future may be on the cards.
    Again thanks for you help.

    "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Have you examined WindowsUpdate.log for errors associated with the failed
    > installs?
    > In which country do you reside?
    > --
    > ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    > MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    > Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    > > I appreciate your time.
    > > There are no error messages, as the installer thinks the updates have
    > > installed correctly, but Windows update continues to offer it on shutdown,
    > > as I said in my original posts.
    > > My point was that the free support is only available in the US and Canada.
    > > The European support directs me here, unless I've misread it.
    > > If you feel that the Windows Update group is not the place to discuss
    > > Windows Update issues, I'd be very grateful for a specific URL where I can
    > > get some help.
    > > thanks again.
    > >
    > > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    > >> We are all volunteers here and don't have Crystal Balls. Without any
    > >> further information from you (e.g., errors associated with the failed
    > >> installs), contacting MS for *free support* would be your best bet,
    > >> especially for security updates.
    > >>
    > >> Support for Windows Update:
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary
    > >> for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web
    > >> site:

    > >>
    > >> For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available
    > >> through
    > >> your usual support contacts.
    > >>
    > >> Otherwise...
    > >>
    > >> How to troubleshoot Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Windows Server
    > >> Update Services installation issues:
    > >>

    > >>
    > >> Check your WindowsUpdate.log (%windir%WindowsUpdate.log) for errors
    > >> associated with the download/install.
    > >>
    > >> How to read the WindowsUpdate.log file
    > >>

    > >>
    > >> Compare errors to those listed here:
    > >>

    > >> and/or go to
    > click on Help and
    > >> Support
    > >> link in left pane > Solve problems on your own.
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    > >>> Not the most helpful of suggestions. As customer outside the US and
    > >>> Canada,
    > >>> the best help the links suggest is to post a question in this group!
    > >>> If you do know of a specific link that I've missed, I'd be very pleased
    > >>> to
    > >>> hear about it.
    > >>> Cheers.
    > >>>
    > >>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    > >>>> See the "How to obtain help..." section of
    > >>>>

    > >>>> --
    > >>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    > >>>> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    > >>>>> My Vista Ultimate 64 SP1 machine has been set by the OS to 'install
    > >>>>> update
    > >>>>> and shutdown computer' every night for a week. Each night I've done
    > >>>>> that.
    > >>>>> A
    > >>>>> check of installed updates shows kb969856 as successfully installed on
    > >>>>> 6
    > >>>>> nights in a row, but it comes back and asks to do it again. How can I
    > >>>>> get
    > >>>>> out of the loop? <!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  7. > ...I've decided to take Virtual PC off the machine

    Ah, now we know the rest of the story!

    Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Hi,
    > thanks for your reply.
    > I checked the log windowsupdate.log, which, whilst not the easiest to
    > read,
    > clearly shows a success (a 0X00000 errorcode) for the update.
    > As it is I've decided to take Virtual PC off the machine, which has
    > cleared
    > the issue - I use VMWare more these days, though a reinstall sometime in
    > the
    > future may be on the cards.
    > Again thanks for you help.
    > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    ><!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> Have you examined WindowsUpdate.log for errors associated with the failed
    >> installs?
    >> In which country do you reside?
    >> --
    >> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    >> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    >> Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> I appreciate your time.
    >>> There are no error messages, as the installer thinks the updates have
    >>> installed correctly, but Windows update continues to offer it on
    >>> shutdown,
    >>> as I said in my original posts.
    >>> My point was that the free support is only available in the US and
    >>> Canada.
    >>> The European support directs me here, unless I've misread it.
    >>> If you feel that the Windows Update group is not the place to discuss
    >>> Windows Update issues, I'd be very grateful for a specific URL where I
    >>> can
    >>> get some help.
    >>> thanks again.
    >>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    >>>> We are all volunteers here and don't have Crystal Balls. Without any
    >>>> further information from you (e.g., errors associated with the failed
    >>>> installs), contacting MS for *free support* would be your best bet,
    >>>> especially for security updates.
    >>>> Support for Windows Update:
    >>>> For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft
    >>>> subsidiary
    >>>> for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web
    >>>> site:

    >>>> For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available
    >>>> through
    >>>> your usual support contacts.
    >>>> Otherwise...
    >>>> How to troubleshoot Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Windows
    >>>> Server
    >>>> Update Services installation issues:

    >>>> Check your WindowsUpdate.log (%windir%WindowsUpdate.log) for errors
    >>>> associated with the download/install.
    >>>> How to read the WindowsUpdate.log file

    >>>> Compare errors to those listed here:

    >>>> and/or go to
    > click on Help and
    >>>> Support
    >>>> link in left pane > Solve problems on your own.
    >>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    >>>>> Not the most helpful of suggestions. As customer outside the US and
    >>>>> Canada,
    >>>>> the best help the links suggest is to post a question in this group!
    >>>>> If you do know of a specific link that I've missed, I'd be very
    >>>>> pleased
    >>>>> to
    >>>>> hear about it.
    >>>>> Cheers.
    >>>>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    >>>>>> See the "How to obtain help..." section of

    >>>>>> --
    >>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    >>>>>> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    >>>>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    >>>>>>> My Vista Ultimate 64 SP1 machine has been set by the OS to 'install
    >>>>>>> update
    >>>>>>> and shutdown computer' every night for a week. Each night I've done
    >>>>>>> that.
    >>>>>>> A
    >>>>>>> check of installed updates shows kb969856 as successfully installed
    >>>>>>> on
    >>>>>>> 6
    >>>>>>> nights in a row, but it comes back and asks to do it again. How can
    >>>>>>> I
    >>>>>>> get
    >>>>>>> out of the loop? <!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  8. Sorehead_5

    Sorehead_5 Guest

    I think you misunderstand KB969856 is an update to Virtual PC but the problem
    was on my quite real Vista Ultimate machine.

    "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro--><!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    > > ...I've decided to take Virtual PC off the machine<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > Ah, now we know the rest of the story!
    > Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    > > Hi,
    > > thanks for your reply.
    > > I checked the log windowsupdate.log, which, whilst not the easiest to
    > > read,
    > > clearly shows a success (a 0X00000 errorcode) for the update.
    > > As it is I've decided to take Virtual PC off the machine, which has
    > > cleared
    > > the issue - I use VMWare more these days, though a reinstall sometime in
    > > the
    > > future may be on the cards.
    > > Again thanks for you help.
    > >
    > > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    > ><!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    > >> Have you examined WindowsUpdate.log for errors associated with the failed
    > >> installs?
    > >>
    > >> In which country do you reside?
    > >> --
    > >> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    > >> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    > >>> I appreciate your time.
    > >>> There are no error messages, as the installer thinks the updates have
    > >>> installed correctly, but Windows update continues to offer it on
    > >>> shutdown,
    > >>> as I said in my original posts.
    > >>> My point was that the free support is only available in the US and
    > >>> Canada.
    > >>> The European support directs me here, unless I've misread it.
    > >>> If you feel that the Windows Update group is not the place to discuss
    > >>> Windows Update issues, I'd be very grateful for a specific URL where I
    > >>> can
    > >>> get some help.
    > >>> thanks again.
    > >>>
    > >>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    > >>>> We are all volunteers here and don't have Crystal Balls. Without any
    > >>>> further information from you (e.g., errors associated with the failed
    > >>>> installs), contacting MS for *free support* would be your best bet,
    > >>>> especially for security updates.
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Support for Windows Update:
    > >>>>
    > >>>>
    > >>>> For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft
    > >>>> subsidiary
    > >>>> for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web
    > >>>> site:

    > >>>>
    > >>>> For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available
    > >>>> through
    > >>>> your usual support contacts.
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Otherwise...
    > >>>>
    > >>>> How to troubleshoot Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Windows
    > >>>> Server
    > >>>> Update Services installation issues:
    > >>>>

    > >>>>
    > >>>> Check your WindowsUpdate.log (%windir%WindowsUpdate.log) for errors
    > >>>> associated with the download/install.
    > >>>>
    > >>>> How to read the WindowsUpdate.log file
    > >>>>

    > >>>>
    > >>>> Compare errors to those listed here:
    > >>>>

    > >>>> and/or go to
    > click on Help and
    > >>>> Support
    > >>>> link in left pane > Solve problems on your own.
    > >>>>
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    > >>>>> Not the most helpful of suggestions. As customer outside the US and
    > >>>>> Canada,
    > >>>>> the best help the links suggest is to post a question in this group!
    > >>>>> If you do know of a specific link that I've missed, I'd be very
    > >>>>> pleased
    > >>>>> to
    > >>>>> hear about it.
    > >>>>> Cheers.
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    > >>>>>> See the "How to obtain help..." section of
    > >>>>>>

    > >>>>>> --
    > >>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    > >>>>>> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    > >>>>>>> My Vista Ultimate 64 SP1 machine has been set by the OS to 'install
    > >>>>>>> update
    > >>>>>>> and shutdown computer' every night for a week. Each night I've done
    > >>>>>>> that.
    > >>>>>>> A
    > >>>>>>> check of installed updates shows kb969856 as successfully installed
    > >>>>>>> on
    > >>>>>>> 6
    > >>>>>>> nights in a row, but it comes back and asks to do it again. How can
    > >>>>>>> I
    > >>>>>>> get
    > >>>>>>> out of the loop? <!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  9. Repost: In which country do you reside?

    What version of VirtualPC was installed (i.e., Virtual PC 2007; Virtual PC
    2007 SP1; Virtual PC 2004 SP1)?

    Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I think you misunderstand KB969856 is an update to Virtual PC but the
    > problem was on my quite real Vista Ultimate machine.
    > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    ><!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro--><!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> ...I've decided to take Virtual PC off the machine<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    >> Ah, now we know the rest of the story!
    >> Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> Hi,
    >>> thanks for your reply.
    >>> I checked the log windowsupdate.log, which, whilst not the easiest to
    >>> read,
    >>> clearly shows a success (a 0X00000 errorcode) for the update.
    >>> As it is I've decided to take Virtual PC off the machine, which has
    >>> cleared
    >>> the issue - I use VMWare more these days, though a reinstall sometime in
    >>> the
    >>> future may be on the cards.
    >>> Again thanks for you help.
    >>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    >>>> Have you examined WindowsUpdate.log for errors associated with the
    >>>> failed
    >>>> installs?
    >>>> In which country do you reside?
    >>>> --
    >>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    >>>> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    >>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    >>>>> I appreciate your time.
    >>>>> There are no error messages, as the installer thinks the updates have
    >>>>> installed correctly, but Windows update continues to offer it on
    >>>>> shutdown,
    >>>>> as I said in my original posts.
    >>>>> My point was that the free support is only available in the US and
    >>>>> Canada.
    >>>>> The European support directs me here, unless I've misread it.
    >>>>> If you feel that the Windows Update group is not the place to discuss
    >>>>> Windows Update issues, I'd be very grateful for a specific URL where I
    >>>>> can
    >>>>> get some help.
    >>>>> thanks again.
    >>>>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    >>>>>> We are all volunteers here and don't have Crystal Balls. Without any
    >>>>>> further information from you (e.g., errors associated with the failed
    >>>>>> installs), contacting MS for *free support* would be your best bet,
    >>>>>> especially for security updates.
    >>>>>> Support for Windows Update:
    >>>>>> For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft
    >>>>>> subsidiary
    >>>>>> for security update support issues, visit the International Support
    >>>>>> Web
    >>>>>> site:

    >>>>>> For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available
    >>>>>> through
    >>>>>> your usual support contacts.
    >>>>>> Otherwise...
    >>>>>> How to troubleshoot Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Windows
    >>>>>> Server
    >>>>>> Update Services installation issues:

    >>>>>> Check your WindowsUpdate.log (%windir%WindowsUpdate.log) for errors
    >>>>>> associated with the download/install.
    >>>>>> How to read the WindowsUpdate.log file

    >>>>>> Compare errors to those listed here:

    >>>>>> and/or go to
    > click on Help and
    >>>>>> Support
    >>>>>> link in left pane > Solve problems on your own.
    >>>>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    >>>>>>> Not the most helpful of suggestions. As customer outside the US and
    >>>>>>> Canada,
    >>>>>>> the best help the links suggest is to post a question in this group!
    >>>>>>> If you do know of a specific link that I've missed, I'd be very
    >>>>>>> pleased
    >>>>>>> to
    >>>>>>> hear about it.
    >>>>>>> Cheers.
    >>>>>>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    >>>>>>>> See the "How to obtain help..." section of

    >>>>>>>> --
    >>>>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    >>>>>>>> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    >>>>>>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> My Vista Ultimate 64 SP1 machine has been set by the OS to
    >>>>>>>>> 'install
    >>>>>>>>> update
    >>>>>>>>> and shutdown computer' every night for a week. Each night I've
    >>>>>>>>> done
    >>>>>>>>> that.
    >>>>>>>>> A
    >>>>>>>>> check of installed updates shows kb969856 as successfully
    >>>>>>>>> installed
    >>>>>>>>> on
    >>>>>>>>> 6
    >>>>>>>>> nights in a row, but it comes back and asks to do it again. How
    >>>>>>>>> can
    >>>>>>>>> I
    >>>>>>>>> get
    >>>>>>>>> out of the loop?<!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  10. "Sorehead_5" wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Hi,
    > My Vista Ultimate 64 SP1 machine has been set by the OS to 'install update
    > and shutdown computer' every night for a week. Each night I've done that. A
    > check of installed updates shows kb969856 as successfully installed on 6
    > nights in a row, but it comes back and asks to do it again. How can I get out
    > of the loop?
    > Cheers.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    I have the same problem. Mine is a Windows XP SP 3 and have virtual PC 2007
    SP1. I've had to disable automatic update because windows has installed the
    same update more than 10 times and wants to reboot each time! I cannot
    uninstall Virtual PC 2007 because I need to use daily.
  11. Draco1962

    Draco1962 Guest

    I am having the same issue with the KB969856 update reinstalling everytime I
    boot. This is quite annoying. I reside in the US, I have Vsta Home Premium
    32 SP1 installed, I have VPC2007 SP1 installed. I would like to continue
    usig VPC2007 but, if this continues, I will try others such as VMware or Sun

    "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Repost: In which country do you reside?
    > What version of VirtualPC was installed (i.e., Virtual PC 2007; Virtual PC
    > 2007 SP1; Virtual PC 2004 SP1)?
    > Sorehead_5 wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    > > I think you misunderstand KB969856 is an update to Virtual PC but the
    > > problem was on my quite real Vista Ultimate machine.
    > >
    > > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    > ><!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    > >>> ...I've decided to take Virtual PC off the machine
    > >>
    > >> Ah, now we know the rest of the story!
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    > >>> Hi,
    > >>> thanks for your reply.
    > >>> I checked the log windowsupdate.log, which, whilst not the easiest to
    > >>> read,
    > >>> clearly shows a success (a 0X00000 errorcode) for the update.
    > >>> As it is I've decided to take Virtual PC off the machine, which has
    > >>> cleared
    > >>> the issue - I use VMWare more these days, though a reinstall sometime in
    > >>> the
    > >>> future may be on the cards.
    > >>> Again thanks for you help.
    > >>>
    > >>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    > >>>
    > >>>> Have you examined WindowsUpdate.log for errors associated with the
    > >>>> failed
    > >>>> installs?
    > >>>>
    > >>>> In which country do you reside?
    > >>>> --
    > >>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    > >>>> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    > >>>>
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    > >>>>> I appreciate your time.
    > >>>>> There are no error messages, as the installer thinks the updates have
    > >>>>> installed correctly, but Windows update continues to offer it on
    > >>>>> shutdown,
    > >>>>> as I said in my original posts.
    > >>>>> My point was that the free support is only available in the US and
    > >>>>> Canada.
    > >>>>> The European support directs me here, unless I've misread it.
    > >>>>> If you feel that the Windows Update group is not the place to discuss
    > >>>>> Windows Update issues, I'd be very grateful for a specific URL where I
    > >>>>> can
    > >>>>> get some help.
    > >>>>> thanks again.
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    > >>>>>> We are all volunteers here and don't have Crystal Balls. Without any
    > >>>>>> further information from you (e.g., errors associated with the failed
    > >>>>>> installs), contacting MS for *free support* would be your best bet,
    > >>>>>> especially for security updates.
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> Support for Windows Update:
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft
    > >>>>>> subsidiary
    > >>>>>> for security update support issues, visit the International Support
    > >>>>>> Web
    > >>>>>> site:

    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available
    > >>>>>> through
    > >>>>>> your usual support contacts.
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> Otherwise...
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> How to troubleshoot Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Windows
    > >>>>>> Server
    > >>>>>> Update Services installation issues:
    > >>>>>>

    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> Check your WindowsUpdate.log (%windir%WindowsUpdate.log) for errors
    > >>>>>> associated with the download/install.
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> How to read the WindowsUpdate.log file
    > >>>>>>

    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> Compare errors to those listed here:
    > >>>>>>

    > >>>>>> and/or go to
    > click on Help and
    > >>>>>> Support
    > >>>>>> link in left pane > Solve problems on your own.
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    > >>>>>>> Not the most helpful of suggestions. As customer outside the US and
    > >>>>>>> Canada,
    > >>>>>>> the best help the links suggest is to post a question in this group!
    > >>>>>>> If you do know of a specific link that I've missed, I'd be very
    > >>>>>>> pleased
    > >>>>>>> to
    > >>>>>>> hear about it.
    > >>>>>>> Cheers.
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    > >>>>>>>> See the "How to obtain help..." section of
    > >>>>>>>>

    > >>>>>>>> --
    > >>>>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    > >>>>>>>> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
    > >>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>> Sorehead_5 wrote:
    > >>>>>>>>> My Vista Ultimate 64 SP1 machine has been set by the OS to
    > >>>>>>>>> 'install
    > >>>>>>>>> update
    > >>>>>>>>> and shutdown computer' every night for a week. Each night I've
    > >>>>>>>>> done
    > >>>>>>>>> that.
    > >>>>>>>>> A
    > >>>>>>>>> check of installed updates shows kb969856 as successfully
    > >>>>>>>>> installed
    > >>>>>>>>> on
    > >>>>>>>>> 6
    > >>>>>>>>> nights in a row, but it comes back and asks to do it again. How
    > >>>>>>>>> can
    > >>>>>>>>> I
    > >>>>>>>>> get
    > >>>>>>>>> out of the loop?<!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  12. To avoid confusion, please begin a new thread about your specific problems.
    State your IE version and full Windows version (e.g., WinXP SP3; Vista SP2)
    in your first post.

    Draco1962 wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I am having the same issue with the KB969856 update reinstalling everytime
    > I
    > boot. This is quite annoying. I reside in the US, I have Vsta Home
    > Premium
    > 32 SP1 installed, I have VPC2007 SP1 installed. I would like to continue
    > usig VPC2007 but, if this continues, I will try others such as VMware or
    > Sun
    > VirtualBox.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    <snip hijacked thread>
  13. John

    John Guest

    I have the same problem as well. I have Vista Home Premium (32-bit), IE 8,
    and Virtual PC 2007 SP1 (both Virtual PC 2007 and Virtual PC 2007 SP1 are
    showing up in my Programs and Features).

    This has become quite an annoyance. I use Virtual PC and don't really have
    the option at the current time to uninstall it.

    I am going to turn off automatic updates I suppose, until someone at
    Microsoft can resolve this issue. It appears that there are quite a few out
    there with this problem regarding KB969856.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  14. MS is not going to do anything if you don't tell them there's a problem,

    PS: To avoid confusion, please begin a new thread about your specific
    problems instead of hijacking someone else's thread.

    John wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I have the same problem as well. I have Vista Home Premium (32-bit), IE
    > 8,
    > and Virtual PC 2007 SP1 (both Virtual PC 2007 and Virtual PC 2007 SP1 are
    > showing up in my Programs and Features).
    > This has become quite an annoyance. I use Virtual PC and don't really
    > have
    > the option at the current time to uninstall it.
    > I am going to turn off automatic updates I suppose, until someone at
    > Microsoft can resolve this issue. It appears that there are quite a few
    > out
    > there with this problem regarding KB969856.
    > Any help would be appreciated. <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  15. Greg L.

    Greg L. Guest

    This is obviously a very real problem. The "MS MVP"'s on this site appear to
    be utterly useless, offering only snarky generic comments like

    "MS is not going to do anything if you don't tell them there's a problem,

    "To avoid confusion, please begin a new thread about your specific
    problems instead of hijacking someone else's thread."

    Do you really think that's helpful? There is an abundance of people on this
    thread reporting this exact issue. Add me to the list.

    If you don't want to help don't bother replying. Otherwise these replies
    make you "most invaluable"


    "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > MS is not going to do anything if you don't tell them there's a problem,
    > John.
    > PS: To avoid confusion, please begin a new thread about your specific
    > problems instead of hijacking someone else's thread.
    > John wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    > > I have the same problem as well. I have Vista Home Premium (32-bit), IE
    > > 8,
    > > and Virtual PC 2007 SP1 (both Virtual PC 2007 and Virtual PC 2007 SP1 are
    > > showing up in my Programs and Features).
    > >
    > > This has become quite an annoyance. I use Virtual PC and don't really
    > > have
    > > the option at the current time to uninstall it.
    > >
    > > I am going to turn off automatic updates I suppose, until someone at
    > > Microsoft can resolve this issue. It appears that there are quite a few
    > > out
    > > there with this problem regarding KB969856.
    > >
    > > Any help would be appreciated. <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  16. Greg L.

    Greg L. Guest

  17. Greg L. wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > This is obviously a very real problem. The "MS MVP"'s on this site appear to
    > be utterly useless, offering only snarky generic comments like
    > "MS is not going to do anything if you don't tell them there's a problem,
    > John."<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    This is a statement of fact. Do you object being told as much?

    Seriously, Microsoft address the problems that produce the most phone calls first.
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > "To avoid confusion, please begin a new thread about your specific
    > problems instead of hijacking someone else's thread."
    > Do you really think that's helpful?<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    In my experience, yes, it is. If everyone is mixed together in the same thread,
    we start to lose track of who had which symptoms on what OS when and where,
    which makes it much much harder to get to how. (Of course, this doesn't matter
    so much for familiar problems where we already know the most likely solution;
    this isn't one of those cases.)

    I agree with PA Bear that contacting Microsoft directly is probably the most
    productive way forwards, but if you refuse to do so you could always try
    downloading the update and installing it in Safe Mode. This sometimes addresses
    repeat installation issues.
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > There is an abundance of people on this thread reporting this exact issue. Add me to the list.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Obligatory snarky comment:

    We don't keep the list here. Microsoft Support do. :)


    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > If you don't want to help don't bother replying. Otherwise these replies
    > make you "most invaluable"
    > -frustrated.
    > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    > <!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> MS is not going to do anything if you don't tell them there's a problem,
    >> John.
    >> PS: To avoid confusion, please begin a new thread about your specific
    >> problems instead of hijacking someone else's thread.
    >> John wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> I have the same problem as well. I have Vista Home Premium (32-bit), IE
    >>> 8,
    >>> and Virtual PC 2007 SP1 (both Virtual PC 2007 and Virtual PC 2007 SP1 are
    >>> showing up in my Programs and Features).
    >>> This has become quite an annoyance. I use Virtual PC and don't really
    >>> have
    >>> the option at the current time to uninstall it.
    >>> I am going to turn off automatic updates I suppose, until someone at
    >>> Microsoft can resolve this issue. It appears that there are quite a few
    >>> out
    >>> there with this problem regarding KB969856.
    >>> Any help would be appreciated. <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  18. No, your stubbornness did.

    Greg L. wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Did your crystal ball help you come up with that response?
    > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
    ><!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> Well, you, too, could see the "How to obtain help" section of
    >> Greg L. wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> This is obviously a very real problem. The "MS MVP"'s on this site
    >>> appear
    >>> to be utterly useless, offering only snarky generic comments like
    >>> "MS is not going to do anything if you don't tell them there's a
    >>> problem,
    >>> John."<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    >> <snip> <!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

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