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Firefox 6 Cursor Issue

Discussion in 'Browser Issues' started by AlbertSteptoe, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. AlbertSteptoe

    AlbertSteptoe Registered Members

    Jan 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Home
    I recently upgraded to FF6 and have noticed an annoying feature when opening new tabs. It used to happen occasionally with my old FF, but now it happens every time I open a new tab. I'm talking about the cursor defaulting to the browser's address bar rather than the search engines search box (in my case google). It doesn't sound like much, but I'm so used to hitting a new tab and just typing my search query without looking at the screen. Now when I do that and finally look up I see I've entered it all in the address bar - very annoying.

    Does anyone know how I set it so that my cursor defaults to the google search box instead of the browser's address bar when I open a new tab?

    NB: I have the (updated) NewTabURL add-on enabled, if that makes any difference to the answer.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    I fully understand the problem but cannot seem to be able to duplicate it. I am also unaware of the add on that you mention and cannot even find it under that name. Try disabling it and see if that helps. Also try changing the search preference to a different serch engine and see if the same thing happens. It is quirky to say the least.
  3. AlbertSteptoe

    AlbertSteptoe Registered Members

    Jan 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Home
    Thanks, Bee. I'm not sure why you couldn't find the add-on - a quick google search under those terms brought it right up. Anyway, here's the link for it: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon ewtaburl/

    Disabling it won't really tell me anything, as a new tab will just bring up a blank page and I'll have to manually navigate to google meaning there's no way of establishing where the cursor defaults to... if that makes any sense.

    However, I have just tried your second suggestion and you seem to be onto something. I like to use http://www.google.co.uk/firefox/ (which is the one giving me problems) so I changed it to the normal google page (without the firefox extension) but the cursor still defaulted to the address bar. However, when I set the NewTabURL to open on yahoo's home page the cursor defaults to the search box.

    So, it looks like the function is something google have in place. It's a shame because google is the only search engine I use and don't want to change. I'll just have to get into the habit of selecting the search box before I start typing.

    Thanks very much, Bee :)
  4. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    OK I think I have the answer but it is not a solution. If you open a new blank tab it will default to the address bar because the next logical step is to put in an address. There is no point to having a blank tab page open. If your tab is to a specific site I get no cursor all (for example if I open a tab from my bookmarks)

    If the tab is to google I get a cursor in the google search box because that is controlled by google not firefox. I don't know what if any effect your add on would have on that.
  5. woodyblade

    woodyblade Inactive Staff Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Operating System:
    Windows 8
    Just to add the address bar does also work like a search bar in Firefox (just tested in FF6), when you open a new tab just type in what you are searching for and press enter, it will launch your default search engine with your query.

    So really that Google search thing in Firefox is quite redundant now, I thought most browsers use the address bar as a search bar as well?
    It has in Chrome pretty much from when it was released as far as I remember, but when I used to use Firefox (3.5 or 3.6 would be the last I used) I don't think the address bar had that functionality?
  6. AlbertSteptoe

    AlbertSteptoe Registered Members

    Jan 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Home
    That wouldn't be so bad, woody, except mine doesn't operate like that. When I open a new tab the cursor defaults to the end of the google homepage URL (rather that highlighting it). In other words I get: hxxp://www.google.co...firefox/(cursor sits here) - so that if I type my search query and hit enter, my browser looks for a non-existent website such as: hxxp://www.google.co...firefox/britany spears naked.
  7. woodyblade

    woodyblade Inactive Staff Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Operating System:
    Windows 8

    From what you said it seems when you press for a new tab it opens Google Search for Firefox, I'm not sure how to make Firefox just open a blank new tab, I thought it did it by default at least it does with mine and also pretty much any other browser I could use.

    It may have something to do with that extension you mentioned earlier? Try uninstalling it and opening a new tab then, it should then default to a blank new tab page and the cursor should be in the address bar where you can type your search query.

    Also I hope that is you using a dirty search (probably should have used a more generic search) and not some sort of redirect i.e. malware.
  8. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    In FF6 there is a small - + + in the upper right side just before the buttons to diminish, maximize and close. Above the search bar. The second + will open a new blank tab. Is that what you are referring to?
  9. AlbertSteptoe

    AlbertSteptoe Registered Members

    Jan 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Home
    Okay. woody, the Britany Spears thing was just my little joke. A new tab opens on the firefox google search engine (instead of a blank one like it does for you) because I installed the NewTabURL add-on to make it do that.

    Bee, I'm not sure what - + + buttons in the upper right side before the minimize, maximize and close buttons you're talking about. I don't have any buttons in the top right of my browser other than minimize, maximize and close.

    I'll close this now. I suspect it's something google do, but it's no real hardship making sure I click in the search box before I start typing.

    Thanks for all your help.
  10. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    This is a bit dark because of my background but these are the buttons I mean. The one pointed to with the black arrow opens a blank tab.

    Attached Files:

  11. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Sorry Albert but my last post is misleading. The arrows I pointed to are not there by default. I forgot that I dragged zoom tools (the first - + up to that space and did the same with new tabs. That was done by dragging from the "toolbar layout" when you mouse over options using the orange bar that replaces the menu bar. I don't know if trying that will solve your issue or not since I cannot replicate what you are seeing.

    I have tried one thing that worked and should solve your problem. I removed the searchbox entirely. I did that by opening the "Toolbar Layout" window and simply dragged the searchbox into the layout window. Then click done. Now since there is no searchbox the curser should have no option but to default to the address bar.

    Since the address bar acts as a search bar anyway it should work out for you.

    Of course you can play with dragging the search bar back to where it was and see if the curser still defaults to the searchbar. After that the choice is yours.
  12. AlbertSteptoe

    AlbertSteptoe Registered Members

    Jan 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Home
    Thanks for all your help, Bee.

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