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Favorites Links are gone!

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by warmth, May 28, 2009.

  1. warmth

    warmth Guest

    Hello guys... is my first post here and I hope is not the last one...

    Well, the fact is I have installed SP2 over SP1 and then cleanned my PC
    using CCleaner previous version of the one just released and all my
    Favorites Links are gone... but the weird thing is that is just the
    list... cause if you go to the folder every shortcut I created is there


    so what is happening? is SP2 fault or CCleaner? I have already reported
    this on CCleaner forums but I don't know what to think... I have been
    using CCleaner for years and never bad has happened to me... :(

    Please help me with this... I have tried right clicking the empty space
    and clicking to restore to previous one but nothing happened! Adding a
    new shortcut *** just adds it renaming it to ***(1) cause the older
    already exist... :( I am kinda becoming crazy cause this is a feature I
    use very very often!

    Thanks in advance!

    vista ultimate sp2 x86
    note: i have been using for long time something like a skin if you ask
    why the folder shows in that way... but i don't think that has nothing
    to do with...

  2. Brink

    Brink Guest

    warmth;1053220 Wrote:
    > Hello guys... is my first post here and I hope is not the last one...
    > Well, the fact is I have installed SP2 over SP1 and then cleanned my PC
    > using CCleaner previous version of the one just released and all my
    > Favorites Links are gone... but the weird thing is that is just the
    > list... cause if you go to the folder every shortcut I created is there
    > :S
    > so what is happening? is SP2 fault or CCleaner? I have already reported
    > this on CCleaner forums but I don't know what to think... I have been
    > using CCleaner for years and never bad has happened to me... :(
    > Please help me with this... I have tried right clicking the empty space
    > and clicking to restore to previous one but nothing happened! Adding a
    > new shortcut *** just adds it renaming it to ***(1) cause the older
    > already exist... :( I am kinda becoming crazy cause this is a feature I
    > use very very often!
    > Thanks in advance!
    > vista ultimate sp2 x86
    > note: i have been using for long time something like a skin if you ask
    > why the folder shows in that way... but i don't think that has nothing
    > to do with...

    Hello Warmth, and welcome to Vista Forums.

    This may be able to help you fix this. :)


    Hope this helps,


    '*MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience*'
    *There are no dumb questions, just the people that do not ask
    '*::Windows 7 Forums::*' (http://www.sevenforums.com/) *and*
    '*::Vista Forums::*' (http://www.vistax64.com/)
    *Please post feedback to help others.*
  3. warmth

    warmth Guest

    Thank you very much my friend!!!

    I will visit this forum more now ;)

  4. Brink

    Brink Guest

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