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Dell Computer Restore Help

Discussion in 'Backup and Recovery' started by COMPUTER_HELP, May 18, 2008.


    COMPUTER_HELP Junior Member

    May 18, 2008
    Hi, well my dumb computer person messed up my computer so i want to completely restore my computer to its factory setting. But i can't cause when i press Control F11 it doesn't work and i cant get to the boot menu but when i press them both i get a weird sound from my computer it beeps. i can't seem to get to the restore menu anyone wanna help me? :)
  2. BSchwarz

    BSchwarz Guest

    The beep is probably an error code from the bios. Can you give us specifics of the beep?

    Is it one short beep, long beep, a series of beeps?

    Give me more info and I can help you troubleshoot it. It could something simple. It could be something complex.

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