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[Solved] Chrome Google browser shows download as a Firefox document

Discussion in 'Browser Issues' started by BGBG, Dec 18, 2020.

  1. BGBG

    BGBG Registered Members

    Dec 11, 2014
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Why when I have Chrome Google set as default browser I go to credit card site to download a statement and it shows as a Firefox document? Trying to print it as a Chrome document.
  2. Tony D

    Tony D Administrator Administrator

    Sep 25, 2009
    SE Pennsylvania, USA
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Professional
    Have you checked to see what the default app for opening pdf files is? I like to set it to Acrobat Reader. If you don’t have Reader on your machine you can download it from https://www.adobe.com/. The link is at the bottom of the page.
  3. BGBG

    BGBG Registered Members

    Dec 11, 2014
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    I cannot figure out why when I use Chrome browser and Google search almost everything in my C Drive/Users/ME/Downloads folder has a Firefox symbol. For some reason everything seems tagged with Firefox icon and if I try to do something it says Firefox cannot do it. For some reason it seems to think I am using Firefox. Don't understand. I DO have Firefox installed but as far as I can tell Chrome is default Browser and Google the default search engine. Yet it keeps telling me Firefox is not my default browser. Somewhere something must be set for Firefox.
  4. Tony D

    Tony D Administrator Administrator

    Sep 25, 2009
    SE Pennsylvania, USA
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Professional
    You may have Firefox set to open pdf files.
    What's the extension on these files?

    You didn't answer the question I asked earlier.
  5. BGBG

    BGBG Registered Members

    Dec 11, 2014
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    I am not sure where to find the PDF file seting. I must admit I looked at the files and while most do not have file types they ARE listed as Firefox documents most likely becaause I was USING Firefox exclusively before I went to Chrome for some reason. Since things ARE Firefox documents and I DO have Firefox they probably open with Firefox even if NOT set for default browser. Maybe I need to look more closely and find the settings. Maybe what I am seeing is NORMAL after all. Sorry for the confusion.
  6. Tony D

    Tony D Administrator Administrator

    Sep 25, 2009
    SE Pennsylvania, USA
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Professional
    Find one of those downloaded statement files. Right-click on it and select Properties. Properties will be near the bottom of the context menu.

    You should see something like this. Look at the Type of file. Does it say Firefox (.pdf)? If it does, then Firefox is set as the default program to open pdf files.

    What OS are you on? Probably Windows 7 or Windows 10.

  7. BGBG

    BGBG Registered Members

    Dec 11, 2014
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1.
    SURE ENOUGH I just looked at a PDF file I downloaded TODAY and it DID say Firefox. And it does say Adobe Acrobat Document so it must be set for that but I do not know where or how to set it or if I should just leave it and return to Firefox. I do not recall when or why I began using Google Chrome and Google search but was happy with Firefox. I just got a new Firefox version so maybe the old just quit working and I changed, which seems likely. For a time I was unsure which to use but I wanted several options. Now I have Edge, Chrome, and Firefox but mostly use Chrome right now. Attachment shows file properties. I WAS using Chrome and Google search when I downloaded it. Thanks for the information.

    Attached Files:

  8. Tony D

    Tony D Administrator Administrator

    Sep 25, 2009
    SE Pennsylvania, USA
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Professional
    That’s the issue. We just have to set Acrobat as the default program to open pdf files.

    I have to get to a computer to give instructions. I’m on an iPad at the moment.

    Do you have Acrobat Reader installed? If not, go to the link I provided in post #2 and install it.
  9. Tony D

    Tony D Administrator Administrator

    Sep 25, 2009
    SE Pennsylvania, USA
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Professional
    If you're installing Adobe's Reader, it may ask you if you want it to be the default program for opening files. Reply with a yes and let it continue on its way.

    If it doesn't ask or if it's already installed, yo need to set your computer to open pdf files with Reader. Here's how.

    1) Go to Control Panel
    - In the View by drop down menu, chose either Small or Large icons (your choice). This will be in the upper right area of the window.
    2) Open the Default Programs Control Panel.
    3) Select Chose your default programs.
    4) Click on Adobe Reader to highlight it.
    5) Click on Set this program as default.
    6) Click OK and close the window.

    Now Adobe Reader will open pdf files. Chrome as your default browser.

    So what happened is that one day browser programs (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) became capable of opening pdf files. Of course now that they can do that, they try to make themselves the default program to open pdf files. Problem is, browsers don't do a good job of opening pdf files some times. Let browsers do what they do best which is to 'surf the web'. Let Adobe's Reader do what it does best which is to open pdf files.
    allheart55 (Cindy E) likes this.
  10. BGBG

    BGBG Registered Members

    Dec 11, 2014
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    I will try this when I get a few moments to do so. Meanwhile I found when I got a new Firefox and began to use it all my Logins that disappeared from Chrome for some reason are in Firefox for some reason. Now I am switching back and forth from Firefox and Chrome. I think Firefox quit and I changed to Google but now have new Firefox
    installed. I use either.

    I did as yu said with Adobe Acrobat. It said "This program has all its defaults". I am now in Chrome browser. Has 3 vertical dots in upper R corner that says "Customize and Control Google Chrome". Is this correct? I clicked OK and closed window as you said. Hope it works.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020
  11. Tony D

    Tony D Administrator Administrator

    Sep 25, 2009
    SE Pennsylvania, USA
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Professional
    from your first post
    Do those downloaded statements still have the Firefox icon associated with them?
  12. BGBG

    BGBG Registered Members

    Dec 11, 2014
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    I will check this out. Meanwhile my current Firefox and Chrome browsers are as in attached:

    Attached Files:

  13. BGBG

    BGBG Registered Members

    Dec 11, 2014
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    ANSWER:I just downloaded a statement using the Google Chrome browser. See attached file. Does this look right?

    Attached Files:

  14. Tony D

    Tony D Administrator Administrator

    Sep 25, 2009
    SE Pennsylvania, USA
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Professional
    Looks good. It will open in Acrobat Reader. Are you happy with it?
  15. BGBG

    BGBG Registered Members

    Dec 11, 2014
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Yes if you are. Thank you very much. BGBG
  16. Tony D

    Tony D Administrator Administrator

    Sep 25, 2009
    SE Pennsylvania, USA
    Operating System:
    Windows XP Professional
    I think it's set up the way it should be - let Reader open downloaded pdf files, not Firefox.

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