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Cannot Uninstall MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579) from Add/Remove Programs

Discussion in 'Windows Update' started by TimKell, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. TimKell

    TimKell Guest

    I'm trying to uninstall the MSXML 6.0 Parser from my Add/Remove programs
    screen, and I cannot because it says it cannot access the msxml6.msi
    file. I have downloaded this file from Microsoft, but even when I point
    to it, it will not install. If I try to run this file all by itself, it
    won't run because it says: Installation of MSXML 6.0 Parser failed
    because a higher version already exists on the machine. To proceed,
    uninstall the higher version and then run the setup again. Can anyone
    let me know if there is another way to uninstall this program?

    TimKell's Profile:
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  2. "TimKell" <TimKell.3w1l3b@DoNotSpam.com> wrote in message news:TimKell.3w1l3b@DoNotSpam.com...<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I'm trying to uninstall the MSXML 6.0 Parser from my Add/Remove programs
    > screen, and I cannot because it says it cannot access the msxml6.msi
    > file.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    It would be relevant to know why are you trying to do this
    and certainly be relevant to know what OS you are doing this to.

    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I have downloaded this file from Microsoft, but even when I point
    > to it, it will not install. If I try to run this file all by itself, it
    > won't run because it says: Installation of MSXML 6.0 Parser failed
    > because a higher version already exists on the machine. To proceed,
    > uninstall the higher version and then run the setup again.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Sounds like you already have an update involving the modules
    that would install. Find out what modules are involved,
    what versions of them that you already have and how you got them.
    Then you will know what steps to take to undo whatever that was.

    Good luck

    Robert Aldwinckle

    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Can anyone
    > let me know if there is another way to uninstall this program?
    > --
    > TimKell
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > TimKell's Profile:
    > View this thread:


    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
  3. TimKell

    TimKell Guest

    OS: Windows XP Pro
    Reason: I Initially tried to install SQL Express 2008 on my desktop,
    but I kept getting a "SQL Express 2008 incompatible with SQL Express
    2005" error message (I thought both could be running on 1 machine). So,
    I uninstalled 2005. However, the SQL Server for 2008 would install, but
    Management Studio kept giving an error when trying to install Windows
    Powershell 1.0, saying I already had a version installed and to remove
    that version first. I could not see a previous version in the
    Add/Remove programs screen (showing updates). Finally, I gave up on
    2008 - uninstalled everything - and tried to reinstall 2005, only to
    have an error when it would try to install the MSXML 6.0. I thought if
    I could uninstall what I had, the process would work better.

    TimKell's Profile:
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  4. GH0$TF4CE

    GH0$TF4CE Guest

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