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A story about Linux

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by Gargoyle Sentry, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. I'm mostly a Windows user but fire up Linux on occasion just for the
    hell of it and not because I need it. What pisses me off though is that
    every time I boot up Linux there are about 50 - 100 updates that I need
    to download and install and the effing Ubuntu server was giving me a
    crappy 17 - 50kb/s max. Took a least an hour to update. When I do
    updates via Microsoft server I get about 1024kb/s. As they say, "you get
    what you pay for".
  2. ray

    ray Guest

    On Thu, 01 Oct 2009 18:08:16 -0700, Gargoyle Sentry wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I'm mostly a Windows user but fire up Linux on occasion just for the
    > hell of it and not because I need it. What pisses me off though is that
    > every time I boot up Linux there are about 50 - 100 updates that I need
    > to download and install and the effing Ubuntu server was giving me a
    > crappy 17 - 50kb/s max. Took a least an hour to update. When I do
    > updates via Microsoft server I get about 1024kb/s. As they say, "you get
    > what you pay for".<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    There are several Linux distributions. You can certainly pay for one if
    you want.
  3. In this case you pay nothing for Lee Nux.
    So like you said... you get crappy service because people running Lee Nux
    project are enthusiasts, hobbyists.
    I'd rather pay a rather small amount of $100-300 per SEVRAL YEARS (!) for
    Windows and know that I got a commercial product backed by one of the
    world's most successful companie s- Microsoft.

    Microsoft bashers are driven by the following:
    "adolescent" type of feeling 'cool" when you're against large corporations,
    you're "unlike the dumb masses", it's the same feeling that drives Punks to
    be what they are.
    Lee Nux is great for many applications, mostly stripped down portables, home
    appliances, etc but for serious desktop business it's Windows.

    But don't get me wrong. The above pro-Windows sentiment will NOT stop me
    from blasting Microsoft when they do something annoying, of which Vista is a
    prime example.
    This OS is inferior to WinXP.
    It is why hordes of people can't wait for Windows7.
    I'll get Win7 OEM from zipzoomfly.com on October 22.
  4. One thing is unclear is why Lee Nux trolls are posting on a Windows Support
  5. ray wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > There are several Linux distributions. You can certainly pay for one if
    > you want.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    True, I paid $49.99 CAD for Mandrake way back in 2001 and then paid
    another $49.99 for the next version hoping it would fix issues with the
    previous version and it didn't. Live and learn.
  6. STAN STARINSKI wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > In this case you pay nothing for Lee Nux.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Thaat was my point, you pay what it is worth - nothing.
  7. STAN STARINSKI wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > One thing is unclear is why Lee Nux trolls are posting on a Windows
    > Support Newsgroup<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Counterpoint to the Windows trolls in here.

    BTW, this pertains to your previous post, I own a copy of Vista and it
    is not that far removed from Win7 if you get a file called TweakUAC to
    make UAC less annoying. I'm using Win7 now but would still be fine if
    all I had was Vista. Your claim that Vista is worse than XP is just not
  8. Alias

    Alias Guest

    Gargoyle Sentry wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I'm mostly a Windows user but fire up Linux on occasion just for the
    > hell of it and not because I need it. What pisses me off though is that
    > every time I boot up Linux there are about 50 - 100 updates that I need
    > to download and install and the effing Ubuntu server was giving me a
    > crappy 17 - 50kb/s max. Took a least an hour to update. When I do
    > updates via Microsoft server I get about 1024kb/s. As they say, "you get
    > what you pay for".<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    And the reason you're lying is?

  9. brummyfan

    brummyfan Guest

    "Alias" wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > Gargoyle Sentry wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    > > I'm mostly a Windows user but fire up Linux on occasion just for the
    > > hell of it and not because I need it. What pisses me off though is that
    > > every time I boot up Linux there are about 50 - 100 updates that I need
    > > to download and install and the effing Ubuntu server was giving me a
    > > crappy 17 - 50kb/s max. Took a least an hour to update. When I do
    > > updates via Microsoft server I get about 1024kb/s. As they say, "you get
    > > what you pay for".<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > And the reason you're lying is?
    > Alias
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    Windows7 is more like a revamped Vista and I like Vista very much after SP2,
    it's a complete OS and very pleasant to work with. Ubuntu seems to be OK but
    the fonts are aweful and you need to adjust them every site one visits, they
    are not interested in users' opinion at all, only answer will be "well, it's
  10. Alias

    Alias Guest

    brummyfan wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > "Alias" wrote:
    > <!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> Gargoyle Sentry wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> I'm mostly a Windows user but fire up Linux on occasion just for the
    >>> hell of it and not because I need it. What pisses me off though is that
    >>> every time I boot up Linux there are about 50 - 100 updates that I need
    >>> to download and install and the effing Ubuntu server was giving me a
    >>> crappy 17 - 50kb/s max. Took a least an hour to update. When I do
    >>> updates via Microsoft server I get about 1024kb/s. As they say, "you get
    >>> what you pay for".<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    >> And the reason you're lying is?
    >> Alias
    > Windows7 is more like a revamped Vista and I like Vista very much after SP2,
    > it's a complete OS and very pleasant to work with. Ubuntu seems to be OK but
    > the fonts are aweful and you need to adjust them every site one visits, they
    > are not interested in users' opinion at all, only answer will be "well, it's
    > Free". <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Install msttcorefonts from Synaptic. Install Opera for better fonts than


  11. brummyfan

    brummyfan Guest

    "Alias" wrote:
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > brummyfan wrote:<!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    > >
    > > "Alias" wrote:
    > > <!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    > >> Gargoyle Sentry wrote:
    > >>> I'm mostly a Windows user but fire up Linux on occasion just for the
    > >>> hell of it and not because I need it. What pisses me off though is that
    > >>> every time I boot up Linux there are about 50 - 100 updates that I need
    > >>> to download and install and the effing Ubuntu server was giving me a
    > >>> crappy 17 - 50kb/s max. Took a least an hour to update. When I do
    > >>> updates via Microsoft server I get about 1024kb/s. As they say, "you get
    > >>> what you pay for".
    > >> And the reason you're lying is?
    > >>
    > >> Alias
    > >><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > > Windows7 is more like a revamped Vista and I like Vista very much after SP2,
    > > it's a complete OS and very pleasant to work with. Ubuntu seems to be OK but
    > > the fonts are aweful and you need to adjust them every site one visits, they
    > > are not interested in users' opinion at all, only answer will be "well, it's
    > > Free". <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    > Install msttcorefonts from Synaptic. Install Opera for better fonts than
    > Firefox.
    > Next?
    > Alias
    > <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    Yes mate, I have tried all that, I do not want to install Opera as it makes
    it even worse in Ubuntu but in Windows it works fine. I am going to give a
    try with Lunascape5 in 9.10. Thanks.
  12. Alias

    Alias Guest

    brummyfan wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > "Alias" wrote:
    > <!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green <!--/coloro-->
    >> brummyfan wrote:<!--coloro:darkred--><span style="color:darkred <!--/coloro-->
    >>> "Alias" wrote:
    >>>> Gargoyle Sentry wrote:
    >>>>> I'm mostly a Windows user but fire up Linux on occasion just for the
    >>>>> hell of it and not because I need it. What pisses me off though is that
    >>>>> every time I boot up Linux there are about 50 - 100 updates that I need
    >>>>> to download and install and the effing Ubuntu server was giving me a
    >>>>> crappy 17 - 50kb/s max. Took a least an hour to update. When I do
    >>>>> updates via Microsoft server I get about 1024kb/s. As they say, "you get
    >>>>> what you pay for".
    >>>> And the reason you're lying is?
    >>>> Alias
    >>> Windows7 is more like a revamped Vista and I like Vista very much after SP2,
    >>> it's a complete OS and very pleasant to work with. Ubuntu seems to be OK but
    >>> the fonts are aweful and you need to adjust them every site one visits, they
    >>> are not interested in users' opinion at all, only answer will be "well, it's
    >>> Free". <!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
    >> Install msttcorefonts from Synaptic. Install Opera for better fonts than
    >> Firefox.
    >> Next?
    >> Alias
    > Yes mate, I have tried all that, I do not want to install Opera<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Then you didn't try all that.
    <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > as it makes
    > it even worse in Ubuntu but in Windows it works fine. I am going to give a
    > try with Lunascape5 in 9.10. Thanks.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    Really? Lunascape is available for Linux? Not according to their web site.

  13. Alias

    Alias Guest

    STAN STARINSKI wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I don't want to keep installing patches until I am 70.
    > Thanks but no thanks for LeeNux<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    And Windows doesn't have patches? Man, you're clueless.

  14. I don't want to keep installing patches until I am 70.
    Thanks but no thanks for LeeNux
  15. Muad'Dib

    Muad'Dib Guest

    Gargoyle Sentry wrote:<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue <!--/coloro-->
    > I'm mostly a Windows user but fire up Linux on occasion just for the
    > hell of it and not because I need it. What pisses me off though is that
    > every time I boot up Linux there are about 50 - 100 updates that I need
    > to download and install and the effing Ubuntu server was giving me a
    > crappy 17 - 50kb/s max. Took a least an hour to update. When I do
    > updates via Microsoft server I get about 1024kb/s. As they say, "you get
    > what you pay for".<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

    So "on occasion" is once every 3-6 months or what? I log on everyday and
    only occasionally are there more than a few updates, but not EVERY day.
    One needs to remember that not only are there security updates, but
    any/all programs installed are updated as well when needed, something
    Windows DOESN'T do. Furthermore, when even POSSIBLE threats are
    recognized in Linux they are addressed right away, something Windows is
    universally criticized for being slow about. It can take weeks, months,
    and in some instances even YEARS for MS to fix a vulnerability. I don't
    know what your connection is, or what server you have your updates set
    to, but my experience here in the US for update downloads is quite
    different than yours. Even large updates are speedy here.

    State ALL the facts when complaining about any OS/Software, well, unless
    you truly are clueless, then you have an excuse.. Sort-of..


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