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A new problem discovered with retarded Vista WinExplorer

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by Mark Levitski, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. Rightclick on any file-->proeprties gives you true filesize (actual or space
    occupied on disk)

    However as you traverse a folder's contents by clicking up/down arrows
    (keyboard), statusbar indicates ABSOLUTELY wrong size inflated by 6-8 times.
    Moreover, it's a random value - different size for the same file if you try
    it at a different time.

    I am running latest updates now, June2009 as of an hour ago

    Has Microsoft fallen apart in recent 2 years?
    WHO IS THE KNUCKLEHEAD who changed WORKING WinExplorer into this terrifying
    It's a premier US corporation, American pride exported to many countries ...
    until now.
    I have a failry expensive latest OS whose Filemanager is unable to display
    filesize in status bar as used to, i have to rightclick like a robot
    everytime to get true size?
    Is this meant to kill productivity?

    Piece of rubbish, and I am not vbeing funny anymore. You noticed comedy in
    my previous posts until File COpy problem?

    Slow file processing forced me to use Xcopy or Robocopy as in old DOS days.
    "Calculating time remaining" & progressbar is a circus in iself, but:
    Now WinExplorer is lying about filesizes?

    What else is broken in this piece of liquid matter that comes out of you
    after a good meal?
    I can allow a clock or some gadget to be brokem, I'd rather have ALL photo
    viewers and sounds broken than WinExplorer.
    By the way ever since they renamed File manager as WindowsExplore it had a
    childish, playful aftertaste. Mor elike a toy than business application.
    However the name doesn't bother me, it;s been there for 8 years...
    It's the filesize now, what's next?

    The problem seems to be focusing on Word docs & PDF's, but maybe I haven't
    detected it with many other filetypes.
  2. I found this someone already discovered:

    This bug is related to the Statusbar in Windows Explorer. Open My Computer
    and enable Statusbar from "View -> Statusbar". Now open a folder which
    contains at least one file. Select the file and check its size in the
    Statusbar. The Statusbar will show the correct size. Now press "F5" and then
    again select the same file and check its size in Statusbar. Now you'll be
    surprised because Statusbar will show wrong size, actually it'll show double

    For nearly I decade I'e been convinced that this level of inept, horrendous
    irresponsibility to release a commercial and mind you, not a cheap OS and
    hail it as flagship product would be impossible, if the bug is in
    fundamental, core functionality of OS.
    Who cares about a bug in some game or image viewer, i can live without,
    It's what computers are puchased for by the businesses and professionals.

    But excuse me ever since i was forced to switch to Vista, I keep discoverign
    wha tmany people may've known but I am now facing all this in disbelief.
    So this is what Vista is about?

    Unable to do basic tasks e.g. speedy file processing (20x slower than
    WinXP???, transfering 1000 files each a few Kilobytes is not just a matter
    of complaint, it depressed me, so i am going to spend a life on this after
    8 years of not even thinking of such basics, as filecopy took seconds on
    And now this - wrong filesizes?

    has anyone tried to refresh Explore with F5 key and see how Vista f-s up
    filesizes in Statusbar?

    Hey Microsoft.
    Let your programmers work on flex schedule in th emountains, or in suburbie,
    in natural environments on own terms, NOT in cubicles with artificial light,
    canned microwaved food and rigidly regulated
    Maybe it;s fatigue, maybe they shoudl shut down some operatiosn here and
    move to India so people here udnerstand they cannot release a pieve of
    garbage OS into US market.

    Can't beleive this.
    EVEN WINDOWS 3.1 in 1992 REPORTED FILESIZE PROPERLY, this poooopy Explorer
    keeps raising filesize as you scroll down with arrow key to infinity, upoin
    each successive scna,
    Aprently idiot programmer made it increment size and accumulate previous
    filesizes and keep accumulating.

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