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8 New Problems With New Install

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by CarolsSis, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. CarolsSis

    CarolsSis Registered Members

    Aug 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows Vista Enterprise
    As I was checking around after the install, I did control panel, security-maintenance, problem reports. Internet explorer was one, downloaded newer version. Seems okay.
    Driver software install, could not find software, installed generic.
    Microsoft ISATAP Adapter (3 times) could not load software
    Network Diagnostics Framework (2 times) unable to diagnose/repair network problems
    Standard VGA Graphics Adapter, could not load driver software, report sent, Intel driver software installed
    Windows Modules Installer(3 times), Windows WcpOtherFailure(3)
    Windows WcpOtherFailure(3) report sent
    CbsPackageServicingFailure report sent
    Signed up for fixit program with Microsoft. Apparently their method is scattershot, I was sent a list of 27 fixit downloads, tried using two. Codec crashes, auto diagnose and id codecs causing Windows to become unstable to stop responding(other info all copied by hand. This fixit would not let me choose the recommended fix. Which was to auto check for problems and apply fixes it deems appropiate. Chose one left, detect and let me choose fix, came back with no problems found and no fixes applied. Same scenario when I tried to use I.E. Add On detection. Auto detect and apply fix greyed out, was recommended, chose let me choose, and no problems no fixes again.
    I have two and a half pages of notes, printer paper, from all these things, and I wanted to be able to have all the info that was given to me. I copied all the info from the fixit screen, several covered issues not evident from problem report.
    Also installed and ran malwarebytes and spybot, no issues found from either. Installed Avast, no problems found.
    At this point I don't know what to do. I've looked all over on the microsoft site to try to get some ideas, and all I have is a mess.
    I see in control panel that you can format a partition, could I do that then reinstall again?. I noticed that the install this time was on partition 2, but never saw an option to choose which partition when I was doing the install. It's truly unfortunate that when hubby bought this for me, he didn't know to ask for operating system disc. I hope I can get these problems solved soon, with help from you folks. Thanks.
  2. PseFrank

    PseFrank Registered Members

    Nov 10, 2010
    Cambridge UK
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Hi CarolsSis,
    It's probably because I haven't had my normal three mugs of coffee yet this morning, and my head is not in gear yet, but after reading your post I'm still not sure exactly what your problems are?? So if you could give us a bit more information, that will help us get to the bottom of your issues.

    What is the make and model of your computer?
    Was the new install carried out via a disk or from a recovery partition?
    If a disk...Where did you purchase it from? Was it from a friend or some other third party?
    Have you manually tried to get all available updates via Windows Update?

    Note: Windows update can be reached by clicking Start > All Programs > Windows Update. It might say Microsoft Update.. In any case, if you are able to...download all the available updates.

    Sorry about all the questions. Please get back to us as soon as you are able to...
  3. CarolsSis

    CarolsSis Registered Members

    Aug 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows Vista Enterprise
    I have a five year old Acer Aspire 4720Z laptop. Vista Longhorn Premium. Install was from a recovery disc I made a month after receiving this as a gift. I have 11 recovery discs. I was reinstalling after I "removed" one or two of my operating system files, mistakenly, after seeing multiple popops about a malware program, and several scans being done simultaneously. In attempting to recover my system I posted here. Eventually I powered on with out using f8 or f12 and got a black screen, no operating system found. Then I installed the 11 recovery discs, Windows updates, 120 at one visit, malwarebytes, spybot. Had to return next day to Microsoft to download sp2 and it gave me another 58 updates. Used vista uninstall for McAfee, went online and installed Avast, then Internet Explorer 9. It was then I checked control panel, maintenance, problem history, Internet Explorer was not working, would not install updates, Microsoft fix it came up and sent me a fix. In trying to get a Windows Live ID, found IE still not working, site prompted me to install safety scanner, it found no problems, as none were also not found with malwarebytes or spybot. I have a notebook that I use exclusively for my computers to note what I did, and when. I just copied all this from there. Reinstall and updates and malwarebytes, spybot were done on the 27th June, took about 6 hours. My original post was in malware section here. I hope this helps. Thanks for your help.
  4. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Hi again, CarolsSis,

    Just going alone with what Frank just posted, the problem is that this is the third thread and while we have plenty to read we (or at least I ) am having some difficulty figuring out just what problems still need addressing. Please, if we can just get a simple list of exactly what need to be addressed we really want to help you out.

    I would rather you not include an explanation of each problem beyond what may be necessary to understand the issue. I think that would simplify things a bit.

    EDIT: I apologize in that I did not see your latest post while I was typing the above but what I asked still stands. Just some bullet points would be helpful.
  5. PseFrank

    PseFrank Registered Members

    Nov 10, 2010
    Cambridge UK
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Sorry, more questions.....please keep the answers as short as possible...it makes life easier for both the technicians and yourself.
    • When you made your recovery disks did you carefully number them all? (I assume these where CD's)
    • When you used the recovery disks, was there an option for a Repair Install and a New/Clean Install? Which option did you take?
    • Do you have a backup of your personal files?...Not the recovery disks... (Documents - Pics - Music - Etc)
    One possibility is that your HDD has become defective. Use the link below to get intructions from Microsoft on how to check your HDD for errors.

  6. CarolsSis

    CarolsSis Registered Members

    Aug 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows Vista Enterprise
    Problem reports. I have no idea what they mean. Microsoft ISATAP ADAPTER, could not load driver software. Network Diagnostics Framework, unalble to diagnose/repair network problems. Windows Modules Installer- Windows WcpOtherFailure. WcpOtherFailure. CbsPackage ServicingFailure.
  7. CarolsSis

    CarolsSis Registered Members

    Aug 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows Vista Enterprise
    I numbered them all, also dated. Was given no option for clean install or repair install. I would have chosen clean. I have no backups, not much of importance.
  8. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Am I really stupid or just missing something. Where is this numbered and dated list. I am not trying to give you a hard time, I am sure you know what you mean but we are not seeing what you are seeing and need help in order to help. :)
  9. PseFrank

    PseFrank Registered Members

    Nov 10, 2010
    Cambridge UK
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    I only just posted Barry...I think CarolsSis was trying to answer my questions...

    @ CarolsSis...

  10. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    You are quite right Frank the reply was to your question about her disks. That being said about an hour before your post I asked the member to give us a list of all her current issues.

    Now, CarolsSis. Frank is being his usual courteous and helpful self and is a gentleman and a friend. However it is my job to keep my eye on the big picture and not just the one thread at a time. I am sure you are a very nice person and in need of help. As i said, I am not trying to give you a hard time BUT this is the third thread started without a single resolution being reported.

    In one thread you were asked to post reports by etavares and you simply never replied to his request.

    In another thread, just yesterday I believe, you reported a problem with Internet Explorer and said you made no changes. I asked you if it was the same computer as the first thread and you ignored my post.

    Today you started this this thread and began with all the changes and attempts you have made to correct your issues. (which sort of belies your assertion on thread number 2)

    So, I am going to repeat my request and direct your attention to post number 4 above. I am going to insist that you not post again unless it contains the list that I have requested.

    I am sorry if you feel I am being harsh but our staff volunteer their time to help members in distress and I am going to act in this forum's best interest. Our staff members usually take on issues as they find them and are neither required nor asked to search all the threads for inconsistencies.
  11. CarolsSis

    CarolsSis Registered Members

    Aug 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows Vista Enterprise
    I did answer them all. the recovery discs I made are all numbered and dated. I backed up nothing on this Vista. When I installed my recovery discs, I was not given a choice of how to install. When Etavares asked me to post error file from program he had me download, it did not work.
    I just ran the check disk. On both C and D drives. Checked box for both fix file system errors and scan and attempt recovery of bad sectors.
    the issues i listed on port #1 and post#6. They are what showed in control panel-maintenance-problem history.
  12. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    OK I can see where this is going. If we continue in this vein we are going to get nowhere. I asked you for a list of issues. I did not ask you to tell me that all the issue are posted somewhere. I hoped we could just start from scratch with a concise list of issues in order to see if we can get it resolved. Clearly you are resisting any attempt on my part to help you help yourself and I am not here to argue.

    Forums are limited to responding to what you say and what information you are able to post. Despite the way it looks the Staff members here do communicate with each other in fact we actually talk.

    I firmly believe that your issues require some hands on help where someone can actually see what is going on. At this point I don't think we are ever going to be able to identify your problems. It may well be that with everything that has been tried that it is already too late and you may need to start from scratch. I suggest that you need someone whose technical ability you trust to sit down at that machine (or machines) and see what they can find. It may well be that you are simply going to have to take it to a shop for repair.

    The one thing I do know as a fact is that we are not going to get anywhere this way. As a courtesy I am leaving this thread open for you to reply even if you just wish to tell me off. I am closing the other 2 and directing those threads to this one.
  13. CarolsSis

    CarolsSis Registered Members

    Aug 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows Vista Enterprise
    I have no desire to tellyou or anyone else off. I don't knowhow to post in bullets. If I try to list,it comes out paragraphically., the issues are:A. Windows Modules Installer- 1. WcpOtherFailure 2. WcpOtherFailure 3.CbsPackageServicing Failure. B.
    Network Diagnostics Framework-C.Microsoft ISATAP Adapter.
    I go from too much info to not specific enough. I used link to scan both C and D drives.
  14. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Lets give this one last try. I appreciate that you are trying. However lets not complicate it. What I am really asking you is to just tell us what the issues are and by that I mean what is happening. You boot the computer and then what?
  15. CarolsSis

    CarolsSis Registered Members

    Aug 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows Vista Enterprise
    It takes much longer to boot and longer to power off. I tried checking manage add ons using search field above start button, it does not work at all. I have other questions. thanks.
  16. CarolsSis

    CarolsSis Registered Members

    Aug 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows Vista Enterprise
    If I had another way to fix my laptop, I would take it. Fixed income will not allow the expense. I may be suffering from too much information from reading things I don't understand. I have been trying to find out on my own how to do some of these things, and not understanding the answers I get. I'm sorry you don't understand my posts. I've been working on this for 10 days. If nothing else it shows my level of determination. Maybe I don't need an ISATAP adapter, I don't know. I don't know what those things were showing up in problems reports. If I'm not going to receive any more help here on this forum, please be kind enough to let me know. I can re-install the recovery discs again, but I don't know how to reformat the hard drive before I do that. Is 120 updates too much at once? Should I have broken the downloads into smaller lots? Should I have made sure I had SP1 and SP2 installed first? You see all the questions I have. I hope you don't give up on me. If that's your decision, I still wish to thank everyone who has had the patience to help me in the past, and there has been a lot of sucessful help from you folks. I'll keep my prayers going up.
  17. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    OK have taken a good look at everything and have come to the conclusion that there is something that has infected your computer and there is not much that can be done until that infection is removed. There is also the possibility that it is so far gone that you will have no choice but to clean your hard drive and reinstall windows.

    You really have 2 choices, you can go back to the Malware Removal Forum and work with etavares to get the thing cleaned or you can start all over from scratch and hope that whatever caused the infection is not repeated.

    If you do the latter you will have to deal with the driver issues and the updates. We can help you with that. If you choose to work with the malware team then you need to follow the instructions given and do nothing more. If something does not work and you can't follow the instruction for that reason you need to stop and post that.

    You cannot on your own decide to try to fix the problem that is causing causing you to be unable to follow the directions as that may be making things worse. Let us know what you decide and we will do our best to help you.
  18. CarolsSis

    CarolsSis Registered Members

    Aug 28, 2011
    Operating System:
    Windows Vista Enterprise
    My choice would be to ensure the hard drive is clean. After all, the antivirus program was telling me I had malware when I crashed the whole thing. Thanks. Will follow all directions and make sure I don't miss any questions asked. I'm sorry I didn't answer your question, I must have missed it. This has upset me a great deal.
  19. BeeCeeBee


    Apr 20, 2009
    New Jersey "Stronger than the Storm"
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    There is no reason to be upset. Frustrated maybe but not upset. :) We are here to help our members and nothing more. Sometimes we deal with issues from very knowledgeable people and sometimes total novices. The key is to just keep things as simple as possible. I am going to reopen the other malware thread. Please read through it and if you see that you can't perform any of the tasks that were suggested simply say so. Don't try to fix it.

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