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0x80070091 Error on vista. Cannot Fix

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by Sectoid135, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Sectoid135

    Sectoid135 Guest

    Ok so It started when I tried to install EVE online onto my computer to
    play. That did not work and says cannot connect to the internet. So i
    went and tried to find out how and tried different things, nothing
    worked. a few days later I got a pop up at startup, shutdown and every
    few minutes that says a i have a corrupt file at


    when I try to scan it with virus scanner or deleting it by hand nothing
    works and I get the error message

    0x80070091: The directory is not empty

    Allthough i cant say this is the reason i cannot get online with Eve i
    can say that slowly all my games that once worked online no longer do.
    Steam stopped working recently and cannot connect, also I cannot install
    java or any other program that requires it to download information from
    the internet to install. Is there anyon who can help?

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  2. cointrader

    cointrader Guest

    I have the error:0x80070091 problem that developed with my Kodak printer

    The windows\twain_32 folder became corrupted part of it.

    I am a retired computer professional and agree the Vista 64 Bit check
    disk is worthless it does not work at ALL.

    I tried everthing to get my Kodak software on the syatem again
    uninstalled the software and reistalled twice but it keeps putting the
    file back in the corrupted sub-folder.

    Since you can't get chkdsk to work no matter what with Vista 64 bit wha
    I did was rename the corrupted directory or folder then created a new
    one. I then copied the one windows Vista file that was in the twain_32
    folder and put it back into the new twaing_32 folder I made. I then
    reinstalled my Kodak printer software and now it works.

    HOWEVER this does not rally fix the problem as to why this folder or
    the sub folder became courrepted and wll this happen to other programs

    Microsoft has a very HUGE problem with this as check disk will not work
    with the 64 bit vista it just keeps saying another processor is using
    the program when you restart it is then to run chkdsk but nothing
    happens that I can see and the corrupted folder it still there.

    I plan to email MS about this issue I would hate to have to reinstall
    my OS.

    Most new notebooks do not even come with the Microsoft Original
    operating system disk anymore that also STINKS and Microsoft has to stop
    this practice.

    When I owned my store front I could not sell any whiteboxed systems
    without including the MS windows CD and license what happed to Microsoft
    get your act together.

    Anyway tis is how I fixed this issue but I am expecting this to come up


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